Page County Public Schools will be administering the Field Test of Integrated Reading and Writing Test Item Type as required by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) on April 12-13, 2023. This assessment will be administered to all students in Grade 5, Grade 8 and those students currently scheduled in an English 11 course this semester.
As a field test, this assessment will not be scored and no student score reports will be provided by the VDOE. The purpose of this field test is to support the focus on integrating reading and writing instruction to build student literacy across the Commonwealth. As with an actual SOL test, the field test will be untimed. Additional information related to the field test can be found on the Virginia Department of Education website.
Please feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher or principal if you have questions.
Thank you,
Gabrielle A. Ryman
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, Innovation and Accountability
Page County Public Schools