On Friday, Nov. 11, 2022, Page County High School hosted its annual Veterans Day assembly where we welcome local Veterans for the morning to show our appreciation for their sacrifice and dedication to our country. Those who attended were given a free breakfast and shown a video made by our students and staff to share their personal gratitude. Mr. Bruce Short was our honored speaker this year as he delivered his personal story of his service. The assembly was organized and aided by the PCHS FFA, FCCLA, NHS, and FBLA student organizations. Additionally, Mr. Cale took the time Thursday afternoon to personally make sure everything was in order to properly welcome and honor our Veterans. Many thanks to all who helped with the assembly, it was great to welcome our Veterans back after a few years away. And, of course, we thank and honor our Veterans for their sacrifice and dedication in the defense of our country and freedom, please know that we appreciate you all 365 days and not just once a year.

November 16, 2022