Important Bus Route Information--
Notice to Parents in the Stanley Area--
BUS 35 will not be running. tomorrow morning
BUS 22 will be running a double to cover it. Please
Expect delays on this route.
Today is National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day. Thank you to all of our drivers and monitors who have the huge responsibility of transporting our students. Page County Public Schools appreciates you all!
Important Bus Route Information--
Notice to parents in the Stanley Area--
BUS 54 will not be running. It will be covered by multiple buses. Please expect delays this afternoon.
Thank you.
This year English Learner Night focused on cultural arts. Students learned about Frida Kahlo and created their own self portraits. We did a unit on “The Best Part of Me” where they chose what they liked best about themselves and wrote about it.
For their family connect project they picked a famous artist from their home countries and did projects that were displayed.
This year we had several teachers join us and our middle school Spanish teacher had her students create projects to display as well. We hope to continue to grow this event and have more of our families participate.
Este año la Noche de Estudiantes de Inglés se centró en las artes culturales. Los estudiantes aprendieron sobre Frida Kahlo y crearon sus propios autorretratos. Hicimos una unidad sobre “The Best Part of Me” donde eligieron lo que más les gustaba de ellos mismos y escribieron sobre ello.
Para su proyecto de conexión familiar eligieron a un artista famoso de sus países de origen e hicieron proyectos que se exhibieron.
Este año tuvimos varios maestros que se unieron a nosotros y nuestra maestra de español de la escuela secundaria hizo que sus alumnos crearan proyectos para exhibir también. Esperamos seguir haciendo crecer este evento y que más familias nuestras participen.
Important Bus Route Information --
Notice to parents in the Stanley area--
There will be no BUS 54 in the morning. It will be split among multiple routes. Please expected delays.
Thank you.
Mark your calendar and join the fun!
Important Bus Route Information--
Notice to Parents in the Shenandoah Area--
There will be NO BUS 5 this afternoon. BUS 29
will be running a double to cover it. Please expect Delays.
Also in the Shenandoah Area--
There will be no BUS 67 this afternoon. BUS 11 will be running a double
to cover it.
Expect delays.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to Parents in the Stanley Area--
There will be no BUS 54 this afternoon.
This route will be covered by numerous buses.
Expect delays.
Thank y ou.
Important Bus Route Information--
Notice to parents in the Luray Area--
There will be no BUS 55 this afternoon.
BUS 27 will be running a double to cover it.
Please expect delays on BUS 55.
Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to Parents in the Stanley Area--
Please expect delays on BUS 17 this afternoon.
Important Bus Route Information--
Notice to Parents in the Stanley Area--
BUS 63 will not be running this afternoon. The route will be covered by BUS 68. Please expect delays on BUS 63's route.
Thank you.
If you have a child that you would like to attend Preschool or needs to be enrolled for Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year, NOW is the time to apply/register. Please see the attached flyers for more information.
Kindergarten Enrollment :
Preschool Application:
Important Bus Route Information--
Notice to Parents in the Shenandoah Area--
Please expect delays on BUS 29 this afternoon.
Thank you.
Important Bus Route Information--
Notice to Parents in the Stanley Area--
There will be NO BUS 68 this afternoon.
BUS 35 will be running a double to cover it.
Please expect delays on BUS 68's route.
Thank you.
In partnership with the VDOE Community Schools Grant and Page County Public Schools' Kindness Initiative, PCPS is pleased to present Brooks Gibbs, a popular youth speaker who inspires students not to get upset and to live by the "Golden Rule."
Join us for an engaging evening of inspiration and prizes made possible by our VDOE grant partnership. Prizes include themed baskets and the Grand Prize each evening of a Nintendo Switch.
Please see the flyer for more information.
Important Bus Route Information--
Notice to parents in the Shenandoah Area--
There will be NO BUS 28 this afternoon.-
BUS 5 will be covering. Please expect
delays on Bus 5's route.
Thank you.
Page County Public Schools Will Hold Annual Art Show
April 18, 2024 --Page County High School Commons
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
We hope to see you there.
Important Bus Route Information--
Notice to Parents in the Shenandoah Area--
Please expect delays on BUS 29 this afternoon.
Thank you for your patience.
This a reminder that BINGO Night is tomorrow night. Make plans now to be there.! Don't forget our office must be notified (RSVP) so that we know how many plan to attend.
Please join us for our 2nd Bingo Night of the semester on Saturday, April 13, 2024 at PCHS. A FREE meal will be provided, with a chance to win many PRIZES! This is open to everyone in the community; bring your families and come enjoy a fun evening together! See flyer for additional information.
Please RSVP using the link below OR call our Front Office at (540) 652-8712, and let them know how many people are planning to attend.
Important Bus Route Information --
Notice to Parents in the Shenandoah area --
Shenandoah Area
Bus 5 will not be running tomorrow morning. It will be cover by bus 29. Please expect delays on bus 5s route.
Thank you.