This is a reminder that the 6th Annual Luray High School Talent Show will be held TONIGHT, Monday, May 2, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. Admission is $5 and will support the Tri-M Music Honor Society. Come out and enjoy the show.
This past weekend Page County High School celebrated Prom 2022. Grand March preceded the Prom festivities.
This week at PCPS we are celebrating ALL of our employees. Every single person within our school system plays a vital role in making sure that our students are safe and loved. THANK YOU for everything you do. Please join us in the celebration. Take the time this week to just say, "thank you " to those who help your child(ren) each and every day.
Notice to parents in the Shenandoah Area
Late Bus
Bus 29 and Bus 5 will be combined this morning. There will be delays. The route will go as follows:
Loop Rd, Fleeburg/ Fleeburg Loop from Naked Creek Rd, Grindstone Mt Rd, Crooked Run Rd, Steam Hollow, Verbena Subd, and Trenton Ave/ South Second St. area.
Wednesday, April 27,2022, is Administrative Professionals Day, but we are celebrating our unsung heroes all week long.
Ms. Tiffany Kite--Administrative Professional --Shenandoah Elementary School.
Ms. Kite has been with Page County Public Schools for the past 27 years. She has served all of those years with Shenandoah Elementary School, with the exception of the 2009-2010 school year, when she was located at Grove Hill.
When asked what motivates her to work hard, she responded, "service to others." She says she enjoys working behind the scenes to serve the faculty/staff, students, parents, and Shenandoah community.
Ms. Kite said that recently that a bus driver brought her the cutest little bouquet in a baby bottle; the store did not have a vase, so she improvised. She said she wanted her to have the flowers "right then and there rather than the next day," so she chose the next best thing for a vase! "I loved her creativity, it really touched my heart. The bottle vase means more to me than a glass or crystal vase; it serves as a great reminder to humble ourselves and to be kind to others. Acts of kindness do not have to be huge or extravagant. It's the little things in life that pull at the heartstrings!! I will treasure her heartfelt token of friendship & kindness, the "vase" and the memory for years to come!!"
Thank you, Ms. Kite, for all of your years of service to Page County Public Schools. You are appreciated.
Are you looking for a rewarding job opportunity? We invite you to visit our booth at Lord Fairfax Community College (located behind Walmart)TODAY, until 6 p.m. All types of positions available for the 2023 school year. Stop on by and consider joining the PCPS family.
Please share.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, is Administrative Professional's Day, but we are celebrating our unsung heroes all week long.
Ms. Pam Hall--Administrative Professional--Transportation
Ms. Hall has been with Page County Public Schools for the past 11 years. She began as a special education driver and transitioned over to her clerical position in transportation four years ago.
In 2005, Pam, her husband, and a friend started the Page Youth Football League. After 18 years she decided to leave her position on the board so she could focus more on her grandson's activities and travel more.
Ms. Hall also enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and her pets. She says her pets make her smile even on the most stressful of days.
Thank you, Ms. Hall, for all that you do to serve Page County Public Schools . You are appreciated.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, is Administrative Professionals Day, but we are celebrating our unsung heroes all week long.
Ms. Bonita Seely--Central Office-- Benefits Specialist
Ms. Seely has been with Page County Public Schools for 37 years. During this time she has held many positions. She served at Springfield Elementary for 24 years and then transferred to Luray Elementary as bookkeeper when the middle school opened. In 2014, she transferred to Central Office where she held the position of Medicaid Coordinator, and now serves as Benefits Specialist.
When asked to tell something interesting that has happened to her she said, "My husband and I had gone to San Juan, Puerto Rico a few years ago and were hiking in the rainforest and met a woman along the trail that was a friend of (former superintendent) Donna Whitley-Smith. Definitely a small world!"
If she could see any place, she'd like to visit Alaska for all it's picturesque beauty.
Thank you, Ms. Seely, for your dedication to Page County Public Schools. You are appreciated.
Administrative Professionals Day was Wednesday, April 27, 2022, but we are spotlighting our unsung heroes all week long.
Ms. Kay McDaniel-- Transportation
Ms. McDaniel has been with Page County Public Schools for the past 28 years. She has served all of these years within the transportation department. Thank you Ms. McDaniel for all that you do for our school system. You are appreciated.
Ms. Cindy Miller--Finance Specialist--Central Office
Ms. Miller has been with Page County Public Schools for 46 years!! Wow! What an accomplishment. During those 46 years she has held many titles within the school system. She now serves as Finance Specialist for the division. Thank you, Cindy, for your many years of dedication and service to PCPS. You are appreciated for all you do.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, is Administrative Professionals Day, but we are celebrating our unsung heroes all week long.
Ms. Tonya Gray--Special Education Administrative Professional / Finance Specialist
Ms. Tonya Harlow Gray has been with the division for 16 years. She began as a substitute back in 2006. She moved into Special Education Assistant for Stanley Elementary and Page County Middle School 2007-2009. From 2009-2019 she served as Administrative Professional at Page County Middle School and then moved to her current position as Finance Specialist/Special Education Administrative Professional at Central Office.
Ms. Gray says she enjoys spending time with her family and doting on her grandchildren. She says her proudest accomplishment is being a mom and grandmother, and that there's no better feeling than seeing their eyes light up when they see you.
Thank you, Ms. Gray, for your dedication to Page County Public Schools. You are appreciated.
It's Administrative Professionals Day on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, but we are celebrating our unsung heroes all week long.
Ms. Kim Burton --Attendance/ Enrollment Specialist/ Deputy Clerk of the Board- Central Office
Ms. Burton has been with Page County Public Schools for the past 14 years.
When asked what advice she would give her younger self, she said, "Relax, and don't be so critical of yourself."
When she's not at a school, she enjoys family time with her husband, kids and her granddaughter. She also loves camping, fishing and 4 wheeler rides.
Thank you, Ms. Burton, for your dedication to Page County Public Schools. You are appreciated.
Ms. Linda Breeden-Wallace
Central Office --Accounts Payable Specialist/ Clerk of the Board/FOIA Officer
Ms. Breeden-Wallace has been with Page County Public Schools for the past 17 years. She serves as Accounts Payable Specialist at Central Office and as the Clerk of the Board and FOIA Officer for the district.
When she isn't working, Ms. Breeden-Wallace enjoys reading, gardening, and spending time with my husband, children, and grandchildren.
If she could go anywhere in the world, she'd go to Scotland because it is beautiful and she is fascinated by the country's history.
Thank you both for all you do for Page County Public Schools. We know your hats are many, and you are appreciated for each role you play in helping to make our school system the best it can be.
Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the link to read the letter regarding notice for 4/28/22.
Administrative Professionals Day is April 27, 2022, but we are celebrating our unsung heroes all week long.
Ms. Annetta Martz--Administrative Professional --Stanley Elementary School
Ms. Martz has been with Page County Public Schools for a total of 27 years. She has served as a bus driver, and held positions at Page County Middle School, Grove Hill, and now serves at Stanley Elementary where she has been for the past 12 years. She says she lives by the quote, "You are not going to be the best every day, but keep showing up and doing the best you can!"
Her greatest accomplishments are her children, Brittney, Patrick and Jacob.
Thank you, Ms. Martz, for your many years of service to Page County Public Schools. You are appreciated.
Wednesday, April 27,2022, is Administrative Professionals Day, but we are honoring our unsung heroes all week long!
Mrs. Shannon Atkins--Bookkeeper--Luray High School
Mrs. Atkins has worked for Page County Public Schools for the past 15 years. While she is currently serving as Bookkeeper at Luray High School, she has also worked as special education assistant, and a Pre-K assistant.
Shannon says if she could give advice to her younger self it would be to enjoy every single moment. Travel if you are able and experience new things, and don't sweat the small stuff.
Mrs. Atkins feels the best thing about being in education is when former students come and tell you what a difference you made in their lives.
Thank you, Mrs. Atkins, for the difference you have made in so many lives over the last 15 years with Page County Public Schools. You are appreciated.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, is Administrative Professionals Day, but we are celebrating our unsung heroes all week long.
Ms. Elizabeth Reed--Page County Technical Center
Ms. Reed has been with Page County Public Schools for the past 21 years. She has served in many roles during her time with the school system including long-term substituting positions, assistant, and currently bookkeeper/ administrative professional.
When asked what advice she would offer her younger self, she said, "Never ever, stop learning. Learn a trade, get a certification, a degree, just do something that fulfills you and makes you happy. " Having earned her bachelors degree as an adult, she says she is ready to go back to school again to see what else she learn.
Her greatest pleasure is her granddaughter and she's expecting another grandchild soon. She says, Every time my granddaughter calls me "BeBe" it makes me smile and laugh like I never could have imagined. What a blessing!"
Thank you, Ms. Reed, for all you do for Page County Public Schools. You are appreciated.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, is Administrative Assistants Day, but we are celebrating our unsung heroes all week long.
Ms. Lois Huffman--Bookkeeper/Administrative Professional--Page County High School
Ms. Huffman has been employed with Page County Public Schools for the past 40 years, and says she has worked for 8 principals. She likes working behind the scenes where she helps make things run smoothly each day. She's a former graduate of Page County High School, and says the best part of her job are the friendly students and staff. When asked what she is most proud of she said, "my daughters and my granddaughters."
Thank you, Ms. Huffman, for your many years of dedication to Page County Public School. You are appreciated.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022 is Administrative Professional's Day, but we are celebrating our unsung heroes all week long.
Ms. Sabrina Taylor --Administrative Professional--Luray Elementary School
Ms. Sabrina Taylor has served Page County Public Schools for 22 years. During this time she has held many positions, all within Luray Elementary School. Thank you, Ms. Taylor, for your dedication to Page County Public Schools. You are appreciated.
Congratulations to LHS senior, Lacey Taylor, for participating in the All-State Choir event in Richmond this past weekend. Not only did she pass the audition to be a part of this prestigious ensemble, but was the top scoring soprano in all of District 5! We are so proud of you!
April is Autism Acceptance Month:
April is Autism Acceptance Month! Autism Acceptance Month aims to foster acceptance and to ignite change through improved support and opportunities for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This month is a good time to investigate Autism Acceptance Month resources and access the Virginia Commonwealth University Autism Center for Excellence resources. The most recent information from the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network shows that 1 in 44 eight-year-old children have an ASD. What can you do to Learn the Signs and Act Early? .
VCU Autism Center for Excellence:
CDC's Autism Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network:
Learn the signs and act early:
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, is Administrative Professionals Day, but we are honoring our unsung heroes all week long!
Ms. Kelly Turner-- Page County Middle School
Ms. Kelly Turner has been with Page County Public Schools for the past 20 years. Over those 20 years she she has worked in the kitchen at Springfield, PALS, Pre-K Assistant, Luray Middle School Assistant, then secretary. She then took the position of Bookkeeper at Luray High School, and now serves as Bookkeeper at Page County Middle School.
Ms. Turner has two children, Makenzie (25) and Kanaan (5) She enjoys spending time with her family just grilling and hanging out. She loves to watch the bond that her daughter and son have with one another.
Ms. Turner says the best part about her job as the Bookkeeper (Administrative Professional) is helping others. She especially loves the kids who stop in the office just to say hello and share their day. She says, "I'm glad they can confide in me, and I have grown a close bond with some of them."
Thank you, Ms. Turner, for your years of dedication to Page County Public Schools. You are appreciated.