Page County Public Schools is pleased to announce the new Assistant Principals for Luray Middle School and Stanley Elementary School to begin July 1, 2022. Welcome to Page County Mr. Lechota and Dr. Bartlett!
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Announcement of New AP for Luray Middle School Tony Lechota
Announcement of AP for Stanley Elementary School Dr. Tara Bartlett
This is a reminder that tonight, Thursday, May 12, 2022, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at the Central Office Board Room at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4 p.m. Thank you. Agenda: Comments: View LIVE:
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
school board meeting
Important Bus Route Information Notice to Parents In The Luray Area Late Bus Bus 27 will be approximately 30 minutes LATE this afternoon. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please share.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
important bus route info
Are you looking to develop valuable skills, forge friendships, and pursue passions in a fun, engaging, and safe learning environment? Page County Public Schools is pleased to offer a Summer Camp for students in grades K-12. Students may sign up for 1 or more sessions based on their interests. Students should plan on attending all 8 days of each session for which they sign up. Please check out the flyer on our website or Facebook for more details about each session and use the link below for registration.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Summer Camp 2022
It's National School Lunch Hero Day! Be sure to thank all of those who help to keep your children fed each day. Our Nutritional Services staff deserve a big thank you for all they do. You are appreciated. Stay tuned for pics later from our cafeterias around the division.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
School Lunch Hero Day
Today is National Teacher Appreciation Day! Please be sure to stop and "Thank a Teacher" for all that they do every day to help your child(ren) be successful. Our teachers in Page County are the best!
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Happy National Teacher Appreciation Day
Attention families and friends of Luray High School: This afternoon we evacuated the high school due to smoke inside the building. Following a full evacuation and emergency response, fire officials determined that a furnace had malfunctioned. They were able to remedy the situation quickly and we were permitted to safely re-enter the building. We appreciate the swift response by local emergency services. We are also proud to say that our students and staff handled this situation beautifully. Nicky Clark Principal Luray High School
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
important announcement
This week at PCPS we are celebrating ALL of our employees. Every single person within our school system plays a vital role in making sure that our students are safe and loved. THANK YOU for everything you do. Please join us in the celebration. Take the time this week to just say, "thank you " to those who help your child(ren) each and every day.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Being told you're appreciated is one of the simplest and most uplifting things you can hear
Are you looking for a rewarding job opportunity? We invite you to visit our booth at Lord Fairfax Community College (located behind Walmart)TODAY, until 6 p.m. All types of positions available for the 2023 school year. Stop on by and consider joining the PCPS family. Please share.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
pcps job fair booth lfcc
Wednesday, April 27, 2022 is Administrative Professional's Day, but we are celebrating our unsung heroes all week long. Ms. Sabrina Taylor --Administrative Professional--Luray Elementary School Ms. Sabrina Taylor has served Page County Public Schools for 22 years. During this time she has held many positions, all within Luray Elementary School. Thank you, Ms. Taylor, for your dedication to Page County Public Schools. You are appreciated.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Thank you for all you do everyday
April is Autism Acceptance Month: April is Autism Acceptance Month! Autism Acceptance Month aims to foster acceptance and to ignite change through improved support and opportunities for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This month is a good time to investigate Autism Acceptance Month resources and access the Virginia Commonwealth University Autism Center for Excellence resources. The most recent information from the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network shows that 1 in 44 eight-year-old children have an ASD. What can you do to Learn the Signs and Act Early? . Resources: VCU Autism Center for Excellence: CDC's Autism Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network: Learn the signs and act early:
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Autism Acceptance Month
This is a reminder that tonight, Thursday, April 28, 2022, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at the Central Office Board Room at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4 p.m. Thank you. Agenda: Comments: View LIVE:
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
school board meeting
Happy Administrative Professional's Day. To all of our Administrative Professionals with PCPS, we say, Thank You for all you do each and every day. You are a vital part of our school system, and we wouldn't be able to do our jobs without you! You are appreciated!!
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Happy Administrative Professionals Day
Luray Elementary and Springfield Elementary Run Clubs participated in the Earth Day 5k on Saturday, April 23,2022. Thank you to all who sponsor our elementary run clubs. It wouldn't be possible without your support and dedication.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Springfield Run Club
Luray Elementary Run Club
The regularly scheduled school board meeting for this evening WILL take place. The meeting is at 6:30 p.m. in the central office board room. If you are unable to attend, please remember that the meeting can be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Thank you, and please share.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Due to weather conditions, all evening activities have been canceled. The school board meeting that is to be held this evening is still to be determined. We will update ASAP.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Don't forget, this event is tomorrow evening at Luray High School. We hope to see you there.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
three little pigs
This is a reminder that school will resume tomorrow, Tuesday, April 19, 2022. Thank you, and please share.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
This is a reminder that the school board meeting originally scheduled for Thursday, April 14th, will be held this evening, Monday, April 18, 2022. Agenda: Comments: View LIVE: Thank you, and please share.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
This is a reminder that there is No School for students, Tomorrow, Friday, April 15th, or Monday, April 18th. Monday, April 18, 2022, will be a regularly scheduled professional development day for staff. Thank you, and enjoy. Photo Credits to the National Park Service (Wildflowers in Shenandoah National Park)
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Shenandoah National Park Service picture of wildflowers