For those wishing to join the school board meeting this evening scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Please use the information below:
Topic: PCPS School Board Mtg. 5-27-20
Time: May 27, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 743 1345 9084
Password: 6w1UsF

Many of you have been asking about how you will know the winners of the local scholarships and other awards since we are unable to have our Scholarship & Awards Program that was originally scheduled for this evening at 6:30 p.m. Scholarships and awards will be announced as part of your graduation celebration ceremony on Saturday, May 30 at 3:00 p.m. If you were the recipient of a scholarship, you may come by the school starting on Monday, June 1 from 8-12 for your checks or information on how to claim your scholarship. You will also receive contact information on who to send thank you letters. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are so excited for the unveiling of your graduation celebration ceremony. We think it is going to be extraordinary - just like the Class of 2020!

In order to continue registration for VPI Pre-K enrollment you may visit LHS today from 8:30 to 2:30 p.m. and Stanley Elementary on Thursday and Friday, all of which are functioning as a drive through. We are able to open things up a bit, and you may come in to fill out the paperwork. Please note the following documents needed for registration.
Proof of residency
The original birth certificate (No copies)
W2 or Taxes from 2019
Please share

LHS wants to give a big congratulations today to our FFA member, Kate Shifflett! She placed third in the area FFA extemporaneous public speaking event. In addition, she participated in the VAFB Young Farmer Youth Discussion Meet. She competed against students from across the state and was selected as one of only four students to compete in the final round! Way to go Kate and congratulations!
You can watch the final round of the Youth Discussion Meet using the link below to see Kate in action!

Shared to you from PACA.
A training about youth tobacco and nicotine prevention for parents, teachers, and community members.

The meals for delivery on Friday are packed and ready to go out. Please note that due to Memorial Day, these bags include 5 days of meals. We will deliver again on Wednesday, May 27th. Stay safe. Please share.

Seniors, each of your caps were placed on the wall by Guidance today. There is a cap for each of you with your future plans marked on them.

The regularly scheduled school board meeting for May 27, 2020, has been changed to 5 p.m. Closed Session, and Open Meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Page County School Board Office.

Thanks to Charles King Photographer/Videographer, we are able to share a few highlights from both Page and Luray High School's "graduation" ceremonies. Just a sneak peek of what is to come. Check it out!! Congratulations, Class of 2020, you did it! We are all so proud of you!

Airing now on TV. Please Share. "Graduate Together."

LHS Senior Spotlight -
Jordan King participated in JV basketball (3 years) and varsity basketball (2 years). After graduation, he plans to either attend college or enter the Air Force.

LHS Senior Spotlight -
Patrick Wayne Porter, II participated in football for four years, basketball for three years, and track for one year. He was also a member of the Student Council Association and Campaigners for Christ. After graduation, Patrick plans to enter the military.

Seniors, please see the attached video for a personal message from LHS. It includes some next steps for our celebration ceremony as well.

LHS Senior Spotlight -
Cheyenne Wilson participated in cross country (2 years) and track (3 years). She was a member of Campaigners for Christ and Fellowship of Christian Athletes for 2 years. In addition she performed in the LHS talent show her junior and senior years. Cheyenne's plans are to go to Blue Ridge Community College and transfer to Bridgewater to major in Physical Therapy.

For those wishing to join the regularly scheduled school board meeting this evening, please use the information below to log in to the Zoom meeting.
Please share.
Topic: PCPS School Board Mtg. 5-11-20
Time: May 11, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 750 9346 3585
Password: 3Atpjg

LHS appreciates all of our staff's hard work!

LHS Senior Spotlight -
Caden Speaks is the son of Jason and Catherine Speaks. This fall, Caden plans to attend Virginia Tech and major in Building Construction. He played Varsity Football (3 years), JV Football (2 years), Varsity Baseball (1 year) and JV Baseball (1 year) for the Bulldogs. He was a member of many clubs, his favorite being FFA and Interact. While attending LHS, Caden completed a 3-year welding program and received several Stick (SMAW) certifications through PCTC. As a student in JMU’s DE Geospatial Senior Seminar class, Caden became the first student ever chosen from Page County Public Schools to present a project at the ESRI Federal Users Conference in Washington, DC. His project concept was inspired by his volunteer service as a Junior Firefighter with the Luray Fire Department. He has earned his Firefighter 1 certification and hopes to be able to serve the Blacksburg community in a similar capacity while earning his degree at Virginia Tech.

LHS Senior Spotlight -
While attending Luray High School, Jennifer Carter played JV softball for 2 years and Varsity softball for 1 year. She also managed Varsity basketball for 1 year. Jennifer was apart of Makers Club and SCA. She will be attending George Mason University in the fall pursuing the majors of Video Game Design and Film.

Let's Chalk About Mental Health. In observation of Mental Health Month, here are some resources you may find helpful from PACA.

Looking for a summer job? Check this out!!