Please check out our monthly Nutritional Services newsletter on the main PCPS web page under DOCUMENTS. All you need to know about using our new payment center explained.
over 5 years ago, Page County Public Schools
This is a short school week for our staff and students as our schools will be closed after Tuesday to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. May this time be spent be in the company of family and friends and may it be one full of joy and gratitude…Happy Thanksgiving!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Wendy Gonzalez
Please cancel the last. Bus 22 will now be on time. A sub has been found. Please share.
over 5 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Important Message regarding buses: Bus 22 will be 45 minutes late this morning. Please share
over 5 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Environmental Science students just finished learning about alternative energy, so they have been challenged to build a wind turbine that will lift a load. The winner gets Krispy Kreme donuts. They will compete on Monday, Nov. 25th.
over 5 years ago, LHS
Wind turbine activity
Wind turbine activity
Wind turbine activity
Wind turbine activity
See what Art 2 is doing with abstract printmaking at
over 5 years ago, LHS
Check out the link below for pictures from tonight's Spanish Honor Society Induction Ceremony!! Great job to all!
over 5 years ago, LHS
We are up to almost 1500 Followers on our Division Facebook. Be sure to Follow our pages. Have you Followed us on Twitter yet, or downloaded our new Page County Public Schools App? Be sure to get notifications from PCPS AND your child's school. Don't miss out!
over 5 years ago, Page County Public Schools
picture of Page County Public Schools App on Cell Phone
LATE BUSES: Road Closure. Due to a car accident on 340 near McDaniel Lane in Shenandoah, several buses can not get to their routes. Please share.
over 5 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Varsity football score at the end of the 3rd quarter: Luray 21 Strasburg 32
over 5 years ago, LHS
Varsity football score at the half: Luray 21 Strasburg 26
over 5 years ago, LHS
Varsity football score at the end of the 1st quarter: Luray 0 Strasburg 7
over 5 years ago, LHS
FCCLA assisted Mrs. Campbell with Read for the Record for Springfield and Luray Elementary's 1st and 2nd graders. Members enacted the story "Thank You Omu" as the story was read. Members made soup, played an alphabet game, and helped decorate thank you cards with students.
over 5 years ago, LHS
Students enjoying soup made by FCCLA.
Creating thank you cards.
More card decorating.
Acting out the story.
Have a great weekend everyone! Good Luck to the Page County Panthers and the Luray Bulldogs Varsity Football teams in their playoff games tonight. Stay warm!!
over 5 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Check out the video of Sam and Lele heading to states!
over 5 years ago, LES
Congratulations and best of luck to Sam Liscomb and Lele Warrick as they head to the state cross country meet! Check out the video on the LHS Facebook Page!
over 5 years ago, Liz Comer
Sam leaving school for state cross country meetmeet
Notice to parents in the Shenandoah Area- Bus 34 will be approximately 30 minutes late this afternoon. Please share this information.
over 5 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Madelyn Fletcher, Emily Martin, Hannah Printz, Mrs. Mallory Benson, and Mrs. Carrie Campbell attended the VaSCL Leadership Conference in Charlottesville. This year's conference focus was "What School Should Be" and included student led focus groups and a share fair.
over 5 years ago, LHS
Leadership club
Notice To Parents In the Grove Hill Area, Bus 48 will be delivering both 14 and 48 students home this afternoon. Please expect a 15 to 20 minute delay in some areas. Please share.
over 5 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Students in Computer Science foundations have started their iPad coding using the Swift Playgrounds app. They have learned how to give Byte (their character) commands on how to move and collect gems.
over 5 years ago, LHS
Student coding on an IPAD.
Student coding on an IPAD.
Student coding on an IPAD.
Student coding on an IPAD.