Luray High School students participate in Self Care Fair.
9 months ago, Luray High School
self care fair
self care fair
self care fair
self care fair
self care fair
self care fair
self care fair
self care fair
self care fair
self care fair
Driver Education and PE classes at Luray High School were able to listen to Stephen Hill speak about his recovery story from drug addict to sobriety. They talked about prevention strategies, being resilient, and laws around drug and alcohol charges and their long term and short term effects.
9 months ago, Luray High School
Stephen Hill
Stephen Hill
Stephen Hill
Stephen Hill
Stephen Hill
Stephen Hill
Stephen Hill
Thank you, Mrs. Bauserman for your participation in a pre-service and early career panel at James Madison University. Sharing your knowledge and insight with future educators is essential to their development and future careers. LHS is honored to have you as a faculty member.
9 months ago, Luray High School
Aude Bauserman
Important Bus Route Information:--IMPORTANT BUS 50 in the Luray area will not be running today. This morning BUS 19 will cover Main Street stops from Bixler's Ferry Road including Little Angel's Daycare with minimal delays. BUS 30 will cover the remainder of the route as a double. Please expect delays of up to 45 minutes. Thank you.
9 months ago, Page County Public Schools
Important Bus Route Informatopm
Congratulations to Luray High School for being named one of 100 Best Wise High Schools!
9 months ago, Luray High School
wise award
wise award
This year English Learner Night focused on cultural arts. Students learned about Frida Kahlo and created their own self portraits. We did a unit on “The Best Part of Me” where they chose what they liked best about themselves and wrote about it. For their family connect project they picked a famous artist from their home countries and did projects that were displayed. This year we had several teachers join us and our middle school Spanish teacher had her students create projects to display as well. We hope to continue to grow this event and have more of our families participate. Este año la Noche de Estudiantes de Inglés se centró en las artes culturales. Los estudiantes aprendieron sobre Frida Kahlo y crearon sus propios autorretratos. Hicimos una unidad sobre “The Best Part of Me” donde eligieron lo que más les gustaba de ellos mismos y escribieron sobre ello. Para su proyecto de conexión familiar eligieron a un artista famoso de sus países de origen e hicieron proyectos que se exhibieron. Este año tuvimos varios maestros que se unieron a nosotros y nuestra maestra de español de la escuela secundaria hizo que sus alumnos crearan proyectos para exhibir también. Esperamos seguir haciendo crecer este evento y que más familias nuestras participen.
9 months ago, Page County Public Schools
ELL night
ELL night
ELL night
ELL night
ELL night
ELL night
ELL night
ELL night
ELL night
ELL night
This Saturday, from 8-11PM, LHS hosts our HOLLYWOOD GLAMOUR Jr. & Sr. Prom! Tickets are $20 for singles and $35 for couples. Tickets are on sale all week during A lunch only and prices will increase $5 at the door! The tradition of Grand March is also returning this year! Grand March is open to the public FREE of charge and will start at 7PM in the LHS Auditorium! Students can sign up for Grand March when they purchase their tickets!
9 months ago, Luray High School
Prom and Grand March
As a culminating project for "Book Club" in Mrs. Alger's English 9 Honors class, students were given the choice of doing a poster or a painting a ceiling tile from her classroom. The projects had to include a scene from the novel, a memorable quote, and a symbol of significance. What great work the students produced. The tiles have now been placed back in her ceiling and the work is on display for all students to see.
9 months ago, Luray High School
Important Bus Route Information-- Notice to parents in the Luray Area-- There will be no BUS 55 this afternoon. BUS 27 will be running a double to cover it. Please expect delays on BUS 55.
9 months ago, Page County Public Schools
iImportant Bus Route Info
Attention LHS-- Prom tickets are on sale ONLY during A Lunch next week, Monday-Friday. Tickets are $20 per single and $35 per couple. Students must be in good school standing and have paid their parking pass fee to purchase tickets.
9 months ago, Luray High School
Prom 2024
Reality Store is designed to give students a glimpse of their future and an introduction to the basic skills of financial planning, goal setting, decision making, and career planning. Luray High School students learned about budgeting for childcare, clothing, housing, insurances, credit cards, transportation, and utilities in these "real world" scenarios. Thank you to the businesses, organizations, and volunteers who helped make this a successful learning event.
9 months ago, Page County Public Schools
Reality Store
Reality store
In partnership with the VDOE Community Schools Grant and Page County Public Schools' Kindness Initiative, PCPS is pleased to present Brooks Gibbs, a popular youth speaker who inspires students not to get upset and to live by the "Golden Rule." Join us for an engaging evening of inspiration and prizes made possible by our VDOE grant partnership. Prizes include themed baskets and the Grand Prize each evening of a Nintendo Switch. Please see the flyer for more information.
9 months ago, Page County Public Schools
Page County Public Schools Will Hold Annual Art Show April 18, 2024 --Page County High School Commons 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. We hope to see you there.
9 months ago, Page County Public Schools
Art show
Art Show
Don't forget about this valuable, free service offered by Luray High School .
9 months ago, Luray High School
lhs cares
This a reminder that BINGO Night is tomorrow night. Make plans now to be there.! Don't forget our office must be notified (RSVP) so that we know how many plan to attend. Please join us for our 2nd Bingo Night of the semester on Saturday, April 13, 2024 at PCHS. A FREE meal will be provided, with a chance to win many PRIZES! This is open to everyone in the community; bring your families and come enjoy a fun evening together! See flyer for additional information. Please RSVP using the link below OR call our Front Office at (540) 652-8712, and let them know how many people are planning to attend.
9 months ago, Page County Public Schools
School Library Month is celebrated each April to bring awareness to the importance of having strong school libraries. PCPS celebrates our school libraries and our school librarians for the role they play in transforming and supporting learning that extends beyond the classroom. Thank you for all you do.
9 months ago, Page County Public Schools
School libraries
Earlier this week, 8th grade students from Luray Middle School visited Luray High to participate in a program designed to help 8th graders transition smoothly into high school. Students from LMS were addressed by principal, Mrs. Clark, assistant principal, Mrs. Meadows, school counselors, teachers, and a variety of student representatives. Student reps spoke about the importance of becoming involved in high school life and the opportunities available to them at LHS. They were then taken in groups on a scavenger hunt to become more acquainted with the building. 8th graders were also given their first official swag (t-shirts) welcoming them to Luray High School. Congratulations, and we look forward to seeing you in the fall!!
9 months ago, Luray High School
This is a reminder that this evening, Thursday, April 11, 2024, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at the Central Office Board Room at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4p.m. Agenda: Comments: View LIVE:
9 months ago, Page County Public Schools
school board meeting
The Page County Technical Center is accepting applications until April 23rd for the upcoming fall classes for the practical nursing program. After successful completion of this program, applicants can apply to sit for the NCLEX-PN exam (LPN). An entrance test-ATI's TEAS test ($70) is required as part of the application process. There are 2 more test dates on April 18th and April 23rd. Please click on the following link for more information and to apply. APPLICATION: PRACTICAL NURSING OVERVIEW:
9 months ago, Page County Public Schools
On Thursday, April 18, 2024, Page County Public Schools will hold its annual Art Show at Page County High School. The event will be held in the Commons from 6-8 p.m. We hope to see you there.
9 months ago, Page County Public Schools
art show
art show