This is a reminder this evening, Thursday, February 22, 2024, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at Luray High School at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4p.m.
View LIVE:
This is an important reminder from Page County Public Schools:
All schools and offices will be CLOSED on Monday, February 19,2024, in observance of President's Day. School will resume on Tuesday, February 20, 2024.
Thank you, and have a great weekend!
Due to forecasted inclement weather, all PCPS events and activities for Saturday, February 17, 2024 are being cancelled and all buildings and offices are closed. Updates for events and activities that can be rescheduled will be shared as soon as possible. Friday (2/16) afternoon and evening events are continuing as scheduled or with changes that are being communicated by staff. Please stay safe!
Thank you, Page County Public Schools School Board!
Kindness notes are an easy way to practice kindness. Kindness notes provide a concrete way to practice kindness through handwritten notes, electronic communication, or drawing pictures to show gratitude to others. Kindness notes can positively impact someone’s day. People will never forget how you made them feel.
Mark your calendars for a night of hilarious fun. it's FREE for everyone!
Students in Mrs. Alger's English classes at Luray High School used Dr. Seuss books to create a 1 page graphic organizer identifying Elements of Literature. These elements include: theme, setting, point of view, summarizing, tone, and characterization.
Page County Technical Center celebrates Kindness Week.
LHS celebrates Kindness Week!
To continue celebrating our Technology staff, here are just a few pictures of great lessons supported by our technology team. From finding exciting activities to do with students to enhance classroom learning, to making sure our equipment is operating properly and our network is top shape, we wouldn't be able to offer our students the experiences they get without each of them. Thank you for all you do everyday to support our students and our schools. We think we have the BEST IT Professionals!
We love our Technology Team. Today, we celebrate them!! Thank you for all that you do for our students, staff and administration.
Thanks, Deputy Beahm (and Harper), for all you do LHS! We think you are the BEST!
A compliment is an expression of regard, admiration, praise, or respect. It feels great to receive a compliment. Research shows getting a sincere compliment gives us a positive boost and in turn also makes the giver and receiver happy. We know it can feel awkward sometimes to give a compliment and/or to receive one, but the more practice you get, the more natural it will feel. Such examples could include, “You’re like sunshine on a rainy day”, “You are beautiful on the inside and outside”, “You are making a difference” or You’re an awesome friend."
Page County Public Schools would like to give a sincere thank you to all of our School Resource Officers--
February 15, 2024, is School Resource Officer (SRO) Appreciation Day in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
School Resource Officer Appreciation Day not only honors those who serve our school communities as certified law enforcement officers, but also commemorates their contribution as role models and law-related educators.
Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to parents in Luray area--
Bus 65 will not be running tomorrow.
Bus 55 will be running a double to cover it. Please expect delays on bus 65's route of approximately 30-40 minutes in the morning.
This is a reminder from Page County Public Schools-
PCPS distributed t-shirts to students and staff members in celebration of Kindness Week We ask that everyone wear their shirts to school TOMORROW, Thursday, February 15, 2024,
Thank you.
PCPS Families,
Due to the lost instructional time we have experienced so far this school year due to weather related delays and closings, the PCPS School Board voted to amend 2023-2024 school calendar, removing the remaining 2-hour delay days. This means that February 28, March 13 and May 8,will now be full school days where students and staff begin at the regular school start time. An updated calendar is available on the PCPS webpage or by clicking this link.
Page County Public Schools
Love is truly the most powerful force known. Love is our highest good. It heals. It protects. It nurtures, uplifts, and transforms. Love is the sum of all goodness of the human heart. Then kindness is love in action. It is taking the love you have in your heart and giving it away to another. Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. When we show love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us to develop inner happiness and peace. Find a way today to spread kindness and show love for others.
In honor of Black History Month, we will be highlighting some innovations of African Americans that changed the way we produce and consume foods. On February 27, 2024, we will offer biscuits at breakfast and will offer French Fries at lunch. Interested in finding out why those foods, see the graphic below.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Smiling is one such random act of kindness. Smiling has been proven to increase endorphins – which help you and others feel much better. By giving someone a smile, it will encourage them to do the same. Smiling can be a chain reaction and often is contagious. Take a moment today to make someone smile.