LHS will offer a Financial Aid/FAFSA workshop on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 6 p.m. This is a wonderful opportunity to get a combination of general financial aid information, as well as help from an expert on completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Students/parents should bring a Chromebook to complete the FAFSA, as well as the following documentation: -Social Security Number -Driver's License Number -2021 Federal Income Tax Return for parents and student -Records of untaxed income (ex. child support, interest income) -Records of assets (ex. money - bank accounts, stocks, bonds, and real estate (not primary residence) -A List of schools the senior is interested in attending, even if they haven't applied yet.
**Before attending the workshop, both the senior and parent/guardian should create an FSA ID (find instructions at: https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch**
This is a reminder that tonight, Thursday, October 13, 2022, is the regularly scheduled school board (work session) meeting. The meeting will be held at the Page County School Board Office Meeting Room, at 5 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4 p.m. Thank you.
Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public
Comments: https://forms.gle/LLahkWG2Lpr4hqej7
View LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live
Important Bus Route Information:
Bus 27 in the Luray area is delayed. Students will be arriving home on different busses to their locations. we apologize for the inconvenience. Please share.
Please take a moment to read this letter from Divsion Superintendent, Dr. Antonia Fox.
Thank you
PCPS invites all parents and guardians to an informational safety night on Monday, October 17, 2022 at the Page County Technical Center. The following free services are offered to parents and guardians: Dinner, childcare and transportation. Presentations include Hidden in Plain Sight, School Safety, REVIVE! Narcan Training, and Internet Safety. Dinner starts at 5:30pm and the presentations begin at 6:00pm. More information can be found on the division homepage. We look forward to seeing you there!
We would like to thank all of our partnering businesses for making Farm to School Week 2022 a success! We also would like to send a huge thank you to Jenny Jeffries and the Nutritional Services staff for doing such a wonderful job, not just this past week, but for the job they do every day in serving our students.
Friday's lunches offered students a side of roasted sweet potatoes grown at Survivor Farm (Luray, Page County).
At Friday's lunch we will be offering roasted sweet potatoes grown at Survivor Farm (Luray, Page County) as one of our daily vegetable options.
Today, we enjoyed quarter pound Burner's Beef (Luray, Page County) burgers. Elementary students had them topped with cheddar cheese made in Dayton (Rockingham County) at Shenandoah Valley Family Farms. Middle and High students enjoyed customizing their burgers on our burger bar (options included local cheddar cheese and local greens). Tossed salads today were made with greens from Stony Run Greenhouse (Shenandoah, Page County).
LHS will offer a Financial Aid/FAFSA workshop on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 6 p.m. This is a wonderful opportunity to get a combination of general financial aid information, as well as help from an expert on completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Students/parents should bring a Chromebook to complete the FAFSA, as well as the following documentation:
-Social Security Number
-Driver's License Number
-2021 Federal Income Tax Return for parents and student
-Records of untaxed income (ex. child support, interest income)
-Records of assets (ex. money - bank accounts, stocks, bonds, and real estate
(not primary residence)
-A List of schools the senior is interested in attending, even if they haven't
applied yet
**Before attending the workshop, both the senior and parent/guardian should create an FSA ID (find instructions at: https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch**
Please see the attached information regarding the upcoming 5K: Running Over Cancer.
Registration Form: https://5il.co/1iz7m
Letter to PCPS Faculty, Staff, and Community Regarding the Process for the Naming of an Interim School Board Member https://5il.co/1iz04
School Board Vacancy Notificaiton https://5il.co/1iz05
Happy National Coaches Day and Athletic Directors Appreciation Day!! PCPS is fortunate to have two loyal, dedicated Athletic Directors and numerous faithful coaches. The mentorship roles that they play in our student-athletes lives is one that leaves lasting impressions and fond memories for years to come. Thank you for your time, your dedication, your loyalty, and most importantly, Thank You for investing in the children of our community.
We started our day off right today with Blueberry Overnight Oats using Purple Mountain Organics (Maryland) traditional rolled oats.
Thursday we will be serving quarter pound Burner's Beef (Luray, Page County) Burgers with cheddar cheese made in Dayton (Rockingham County). Elementary students will be offered the cheddar cheeseburger. Middle/High students can customize their burger to their liking on our Burger Bar.
Thursday is also the annual Crunch Heard 'Round the Commonwealth. All students and staff will be given an apple grown at Thornton River Orchards (Sperryville, Rappahannock County) to take a crunch and make some noise for Farm to School week. Keep a lookout for pictures from this event. #VACrunch #FarmtoSchool
Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 5. 2022, is National Do Something Nice Day. What will you do? Spread the word! #pcpskind
PCPS invites all parents and guardians to an informational safety night on
Monday, October 17, 2022 at the Page County Technical Center. The following free services are offered to parents and guardians: Dinner, childcare and transportation. Presentations include Hidden in Plain Sight, School Safety, REVIVE! Narcan Training, and Internet Safety. Dinner starts at 5:30pm and the presentations begin at 6:00pm. More information can be found on the division homepage. We look forward to seeing you there!
Wednesday morning we will be featuring Blueberry Overnight Oats made with oats grown in Maryland at Purple Mountain Organics.
Here's a look at some of the chef salads made today with Stony Run Greenhouse (Shenandoah, Page County) greens. Bonus farm to school entree today from one of the middle schools -- our manager topped pizza with Gore Meat's sausage!
Tuesday's menu highlights salad greens grown at Stony Run Greenhouse in Shenandoah (Page County). These greens will be part of the salad entree choice at all schools. Students at the middle and high schools can customize their salads in our made-to-order line.
Here's a look at our Asian entrée choices from today, including pork fried rice using Gore's Meat (Shenandoah County via Willow Grove Farm Market, Luray) pork and Blue Mountain Organics (Maryland) brown rice.
We're excited to serve Pork Fried Rice tomorrow (Monday) as part of our Asian inspired entrée choice. The pork is from Gore's Meats (Shenandoah County) and the Brown Rice was grown in Maryland by Purple Mountain Organics. Hope to see you at lunch!
October 3-7, 2022, is Farm to School week. We are excited to partner with the following businesses. Check back for daily posts regarding the menu items featuring these products!
This is a Final Reminder that if you have not yet completed the ONE Question Student Internet Access Survey, we ask that you do so by TOMORROW, Friday, September 30, 2022. The survey can be found in the Parent Portal ( https://pagecounty.powerschool.com/public/home.html ) under Forms, then Technology, then Complete Survey. Thank you to everyone who has already completed the survey. Your participation is important.