Hello Sophomores and Sophomore Parents, On Tuesday, November 10th at 6pm in the LHS auditorium, we will be hosting Susan Fream, the principal of Massanutten Regional Governor's School, for an informational presentation. If you are interested in hearing more about MRGS, please plan to attend with a parent! Massanutten Regional Governor’s School for Environmental Science and Technology is one of the 19 Academic Year Governor’s Schools in the state of Virginia. MRGS is operated as a joint school serving the counties of Page, Rockingham, and Shenandoah, as well as Harrisonburg City. Massanutten Regional Governor’s School is housed in southern Shenandoah County at Triplett Tech. Students apply to MRGS during their sophomore year, and if accepted, attend during their junior and senior years. Thank you, LHS Counseling Department
over 4 years ago, LHS
The FFA National Convention looks a little different this year. Luray FFA members and their advisors participated in a virtual session on October 28th. Members are also able to participate in a wide variety of events and activities on the online platform. Members across the nation might not be able to gather in Indianapolis but they can still celebrate!
over 4 years ago, LHS
FFA Virtual Convention
This is an important message from Page County Public Schools: In preparation for high school students to return to school, beginning November 16, 2020, we are providing you with the School Health Attestation form in advance that may be printed off, signed, scanned, and emailed back, or your child may bring it on their first day back. By signing the School Health Attestation Form (that states you will not send your child to school if they have any Covid-related symptoms) you will eliminate the need to sign Daily Health Slips. To email the form back to Page County High School, please use PCHS@pagecounty.k12.va.us, or for Luray High School email the completed form back to Pam Nichols at pnichols@pagecounty.k12.va.us https://5il.co/mk08 Thank you , and please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Important Information
LHS FFA member, Kate Shifflet competed in the VAFB Young Farmer's Collegiate Young Farmers Discussion Meet last week. Kate made the final four while still a high school senior and won a $500 scholarship. Congratulations Kate on your scholarship and impressive performance!
over 4 years ago, LHS
FFA Scholarship
This is a reminder that tonight, Monday, October 26, 2020, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the school board office. Anyone wishing to make comments for the meeting should submit them no later than 4 p.m. today. Comments must be directly related to agenda items. The meeting may be viewed LIVE on YouTube. Meeting Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public Comments: https://forms.gle/LG7wSALsErsmJv4u8 View Live: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live Please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
School Board Meeting
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Important Information
Shout Out and Good Luck to the Page County Technical Center cosmetology students who will taking their State Board examinations today!! You can do it!
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
PCTC logo
See flyer below for virtual Homecoming Dress Up days. Send us your pictures so we can share.
over 4 years ago, LHS
Spirit Week 2020
See flyer below for LHS Homecoming Week (October 26th - 30th) activities. All are welcome to watch the parade from Main Street to LHS at approximately 4:30 on October 28th. The Trunk or Treat is a PRIVATE EVENT for LHS students ONLY. Only Juniors and Seniors may drive in the parade and decorate vehicles for the Trunk or Treat. Freshmen and Sophomores are encouraged to dress up and attend the Trunk or Treat to receive candy and special treats from Leadership Club and PACA.
over 4 years ago, LHS
Homecoming 2020
Wednesday, October 21st is Unity Day (United Against Bullying) . We would like for all students , teachers, and staff members to participate in this event. Since we are not in school on Wednesdays, we will participate with Blended Students (Prek-2) participating on Tuesday, October 20th A Day Students wear Orange on Tuesday, October 20th. B Day students wear orange on Thursday, October 22nd. Remote students, we want you to participate too. Show us your Unity by taking a picture of yourself wearing orange and email it to trunyan@pagecounty.k12.va.us. Please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Unity Day
Each month the Virginia Department of Education releases a publication specifically aimed at providing resources for families of children with disabilities. We will be sharing this publication via Facebook and Live Feed. Please share. https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/VADOE/bulletins/2a5d14b
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
vdoe Virginia is for Learners
Happy National Boss's Day to all of our extraordinary, dedicated, and wonderful bosses within Page County Public Schools. You are appreciated!! Be sure to thank your boss today!!
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Happy National Boss's Day
The LHS FCCLA and Family and Consumer Science students provided a "Nacho Average School Year" lunch to teachers and staff while learning about safety and covid protocols for serving and preparing food. This was a great learning experience for students and FCCLA members.
over 4 years ago, LHS
The PSAT will be given at Luray High School on Saturday, October 17th 2020. Arrive at 8am and the test should end by 1pm. (PSAT scores are used to give students an idea of areas to improve upon before taking the SAT and only students/parents see PSAT scores, not colleges. Sophomores considering applying to Massanutten Regional Governor's School are highly encouraged to take the PSAT. Juniors that take the PSAT are automatically entered in the National Merit Scholarship program.) Masks will be required and please bring #2 pencils with you, as well as a scientific calculator. We will have some calculators available, but there may not be enough for everyone. The cost of the PSAT test is $7. If you are an 11th grader and receive free or reduced lunch, you will qualify for a fee waiver and will not be charged a fee--please email your counselor to be placed on the list for the test. Please mail or drop off your $7 payment to LHS, 243 Bulldog Drive, Luray, VA 22835 before the day of the test. (If you write a check, please make it out to Luray High School). Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 17th!
over 4 years ago, LHS
See drive thru information below.
over 4 years ago, LHS
Drive Thrus
For Important Information Regarding PCPS Return to Learn Plans, please click on the appropriate link below: For Elementary Students : https://5il.co/m2ek For Middle School Students : https://5il.co/m2el For High School Students: https://5il.co/m2ep (Survey Included) Thank you, and please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Page County Public Schools is currently looking to fill instructional assistant, driver, custodian, and long-term substitute positions. Please share this information with individuals that may be seeking employment. Applications may be found on the Page County Public Schools webpage at https://www.pagek12.org/o/pcps/page/human-resources--293 .
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
PCPS logo
This is an important message from Page County Public Schools: COVID-19 NOTICE: Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the link to read the letter regarding notice. https://5il.co/m0gm
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Important Information
Attention Seniors: LHS will offer a Financial Aid/FAFSA workshop on Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 6pm. This is a combination of general financial aid information, as well as help on completing the FAFSA. Students should bring their device (chromebook) to complete the FAFSA, as well as the following documentation: **Before attending the workshop, both the senior and parent/guardian should create an FSA ID (find instructions at: https://fsaid.ed.gov/npas/index.htm) Social Security Number Driver's License Number 2019 tax records Bank statements Records of taxable income (ex. assets) Records of untaxable income (ex. child support payments) List of schools senior is interested in attending
over 4 years ago, LHS
This is a reminder that tonight, Monday, October 12, 2020, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. at the school board office. Anyone wishing to make comments for the meeting should submit them no later than 4 p.m. today. Comments must be directly related to agenda items. The meeting may be viewed LIVE on YouTube. Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public Comments: https://forms.gle/q3zb8zKApHLNhtXR7 View Live: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
school board meeting