This is an Important Message Regarding Bus 6 in the Pine Grove Road Area :
Bus #6 in the Pine Grove area will be late due to a police matter. All students riding bus 6 ARE SAFE and are being transported to Stanley Elementary School. If parents wish to pick up students from Stanley Elementary, you may do so, but will need picture ID. We have no estimate of the length of the delay, but will keep parents updated as we gain more information. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please share.
An Important Weather Update for 9/1/2021
On Wednesday, September 1, all schools will dismiss early at 12:00pm as we err on the side of caution. Students will be able to eat lunch at school prior to dismissal and all after-school and evening activities are cancelled. We will continue to monitor conditions throughout the morning. If adjustments need to be made, we will provide advanced notice. Thank you to everyone for their patience and we hope everyone stays safe today.
An Important Message From Division Superintendent, Dr. Antonia Fox, Regarding Possible Inclement Weather:
We are actively monitoring the weather forecasts for tomorrow, Wednesday, September 1, which indicate we may receive heavy rains tonight and into tomorrow, as well as some wind and possible tornadoes.
At this time, no decision has been made with regards to school for Wednesday, September 1 , as we are waiting on additional forecast details. However, in order to allow parents and staff time to prepare, we are advising parents and staff that we may have to do one of three things tomorrow: We may need to call a two-hour delay; we may need to release students from school early; or we may need to cancel school altogether. If a decision can be made this evening, we will communicate with parents and staff by 8:00pm tonight. If there is not enough information to make a decision tonight, we will make a decision by 5:30 a.m. for a delay or early dismissal. Our top priority is the safety of our students, their families, and our staff.
Our hope is that weather conditions allow us to hold classes as we normally would on Wednesday. If you do not receive a message from the school division tonight or in the morning, it means that we are operating on our regular schedule tomorrow.
We hope that everyone stays safe over the next day or two. Thank you for your continued support of Page County Public Schools and we hope you have a good evening.
Antonia M. Fox, Ed.D.
Page County Public Schools
Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the link to read the letter regarding notice.
This is a reminder that tonight, Thursday, August 26, 2021, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. and can be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4 p.m.
Agenda :
Comments Form:
Watch Live:
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Please read the attached statement provided by Division Superintendent, Dr. Antonia Fox, regarding school meals.
Please share.
Remember this as you head out this morning! School is now in session. Be aware of your surroundings! Let's have a great year!
It's GO Time! We at PCPS would like to wish everyone a Happy First Day of School!! We are glad to be back!
A good reminder for us all!
This is reminder that Monday, August 23, 2021, is the first day of school. Also, please remember, All Week we will be dismissing at 12:30 p.m. We can't wait to see you!!
Bus safety is very important!!
For the latest information regarding mask exception and accommodations please see the letter from Dr. Antonia Fox, Division Superintendent.
PCPS Mask Exceptions and Accommodations Form:
PCPS Religious Accommodation Request:
PCPS Acceptable Face Shields:
Don't forget! When you see those school buses, be sure to STOP!
As school is about to begin, we know everyone wants to know "What's on the Menu?" Here is the link to access Nutritional Services Menus.
Please share.
Good evening PCPS Families,
We know that some families may be waiting for mask exemption information and forms. The division is working diligently to prepare this information to share with you prior to the start of school. We will provide information as soon as possible. Any parent who wishes to submit an exemption will need to complete and submit the paperwork provided by the division regardless of whether they have provided their own documentation.
Additionally, because of the delay in sharing the paperwork, we will address any first week of school concerns related to potential exemptions.
We thank you for your continued support and patience as we navigate this new process.
Antonia M. Fox, Ed.D.
Page County Public Schools
This is an important message from PCPS:
If you did not complete and turn in the Health Attestation Form that was distributed at Open House, we ask that you print and complete the form and send with your child on the First Day of School. Thank you, and Please share.
Click the link to access the Health Attestation Form:
With the start of school being only a few days away, we are sharing some helpful bus safety reminders. Parents, please review these rules for bus riding with your children. Safety is a priority.
Public Input Requested on the PCPS ARP ESSER Plan
Page County Public Schools (PCPS) is seeking public comment on its American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Elementary and Secondary School Relief (ESSER) fund. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has allocated approximately $6.3 million of ARP ESSER funding to PCPS.
PCPS is requesting input from employees of Page County Public Schools, as well as parents/guardians and members of the community on how the funds should be used to assist the school division in recovering from learning that may have been lost due to COVID-19 as well as ensuring the health and safety of students and staff. Participants may choose to provide input on how students’ academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs might be addressed.
Public comment can be submitted through the use of this form through Wednesday, August 25, 2021. The input provided will be reviewed and included in the development of the final draft of the plan prior to its official submission.
The plan can be found on the division’s webpage or by clicking
To access the form to submit public comment, please click
Thank you for your assistance and input.
Antonia M. Fox, Ed.D.
Page County Public Schools
This is a reminder that Open House is being held tomorrow and Thursday for Page County Public Schools. Please see the link (or picture below for designated times). Also, please remember all students and families are required to wear masks while inside of the school buildings. Schools will have masks available if you do not bring one with you.
Thank you, and please share.