This is a message from Page County Public Schools:
Thanksgiving break is here. We, at PCPS would like to wish you and your families a happy, healthy, and safe Thanksgiving. Please be aware, children are coming home today with bags of food that are quite awkward and heavy. Parents, if you have a small child riding the bus, we ask, if at all possible, that you meet your child at the bus stop to assist them in carrying the food. Thanks for your help, and enjoy the holiday.
A shout out this Monday morning to Nutritional Services! This one picture is just an example of what is going on right now at every school. All children in the school division will be offered bags of food this week (A Day students today, B Day and four-day-a week learners tomorrow, and Remote students through lunch pick ups) to help carry them through the holiday. The amount of time and organization of this effort to help our families deserves to be spotlighted. Thank you to everyone involved with Nutritional Services! Happy Monday everyone!
This is a message from PCPS:
Time is running out. Don't miss the opportunity to have Page County Connect 2020 help you with getting internet services for FREE! Act now, time is running out. Fill out your application Today!!
Please share.
This is a message from PCPS:
Reports Cards for the 1st Quarter will be issued between Friday, November 20th and Monday, November 23rd. Please be advised that Monday, November 23rd is an A-Day, and Tuesday, November 24th is a B-Day. There will be no packet pick up on Wednesday, November 25th. Have a great weekend.
Press Release Issued for Page County Public Schools:
Please see the press release attached regarding FREE MEALS AVAILABLE FOR ALL CHILDREN through PCPS Nutritional Services.
Thank you, and please share.
This is a message from Page County Public Schools:
Are you still in need of internet services? Let Page County Connect help you. Resources are still available. Don't wait, act now!!
Interested in this Miss America Virtual event sponsored by Northwestern Community Services Board? Click to learn more.
For an update from Page County Public Schools regarding the Governor's latest Executive Order, please click .
Thank you.
A Big Welcome Back to our Panthers of PCHS and our Bulldogs of LHS. We missed you!!
Students, we are so looking forward to seeing those of you who signed up at the Harvest Celebration this afternoon! Please, please, please do not forget your masks. We do not have extra masks to give out and everyone needs to wear one.
Finishing up our Harvest Celebration, today is Panther Pride Day. Dress yourself up in all of your Page County blue & then send Mrs. Bracken or Mr. Tickerhoof your photo by 4pm to be entered into the daily contest.
Continuing our Harvest Celebration, today is Class Color/Panther Mask Day. 9th graders wear green, 10th graders wear red, 11th graders, wear yellow, and 12th graders wear orange. Dress yourself up & then send Mrs. Bracken or Mr. Tickerhoof your photo by 4pm to be entered into the daily contest.
Don't forget that today is also our Harvest Celebration Day. If you signed up to participate, please arrive at the school between 3-3:30. Temps will be taken before you exit your car.
Due to the weather forecasted for today and tomorrow, the Harvest Celebration has been moved to Friday, November 13, same times and location. We look forward to seeing you all and having some fun!
PCPS Students & Parents,
Please be aware that the remote learning materials you receive during the middle of November may look as though there is additional work, however, this is because teachers are combining work due to the Thanksgiving break. No Remote Learning is expected on the 25th, 26th, or 27th of November. Please enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with your families.
Thank you.
As the greatest nation in the world, America gives hope, freedom, and opportunity to her people. Today, November 11th, we have an opportunity to honor our Veterans for their patriotism, love of country, service, and sacrifice. Americans should remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Please express your gratitude and appreciation to those men and women, many of whom are living in our community, who have fought for the liberty that we enjoy every day.
Continuing our Harvest Celebration, today is Harvest Day. Dress like a farm animal, vegetable, or food that can be harvested & then send Mrs. Bracken or Mr. Tickerhoof your photo by 4pm to be entered into the daily contest.
Attention students and parents
If you are returning to Blended Learning next week and have not been issued a PCPS device, please have your parents complete and sign the attached device agreement so that you can be issued your device next week. We cannot issue a device without this signed agreement.
We are excited about students returning to school next week, please see the attached letter for more information.
Continuing our Harvest Celebration, today is Farmer/Flannel Day. Dress yourself up & then send Mrs. Bracken or Mr. Tickerhoof your photo by 4pm to be entered into the daily contest.
On Friday, November 6, 2020, PCPS librarians Jennifer Bracken, Tammy Rhinehart, and Carrie Campbell, participated in the virtual VAASL Annual Fall Conference. PCHS Jennifer Bracken was sworn in as the Regional Director-Elect for the Shenandoah Region. Congratulations.