PCPS will be offering 4 different camps this summer, similar to last year. All PCPS students currently in grades K-11 are invited to express interest using the link included in this post. Each camp will run Monday through Thursday. PCPS will be providing transportation at centralized locations. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
In order to provide the best experience possible, camps will be limited to 30 students. Should more than 30 students express interest, a lottery system will be used to select students.
All students desiring to attend should complete the form NO LATER THAN April 9, 2024. Students selected through the lottery to attend each camp will be notified using the email address provided in this form.
We look forward to loads of fun this summer!!
PCPS Families,
While we don't have school on Monday, April 8, we hope you'll take some time to safely enjoy the solar eclipse and engage in some related activities. Please see the links below for some resources to support this special event!
Do you have a child that will be attending Kindergarten next year? Registration is taking place now. See the attachment for more information.
Please join us for our 2nd Bingo Night of the semester on Saturday, April 13, 2024 at PCHS. A FREE meal will be provided, with a chance to win many PRIZES! This is open to everyone in the community; bring your families and come enjoy a fun evening together! See flyer for additional information.
Please RSVP using the link below OR call our Front Office at (540) 652-8712, and let them know how many people are planning to attend.
Important Bus Route Information--
Notice to parents in the Luray Area--
Please expect delays on Bus 23 and Bus 66 this evening.
Delays may be up to 45 minutes.
Thank you.
PCPS is now accepting applications for Preschool for the 2024-2025 school year.
To Begin the Application Process: https://pagecounty.powerschool.com/public/formbuilder/form.html?formid=1593956
This is reminder from PCPS that Parent/ Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, April 8, 2024. If you have not yet signed up for a conference with your child's teacher(s), please do so as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you.
This is a reminder that this evening, Thursday, March 28, 2024, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at the Central Office Board Room at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4p.m.
Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public
Comments: https://forms.gle/yghUBwmU6eVFF6qP9
View LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH6M79GPYGs
Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to Parents in the Luray area--
In the Luray area Bus 23 and Bus 66 will not be running in the morning. Please expect delays of 35- 50 minutes.
Thank you for your continued patience - Buses have departed the Page High and Middle campus and are headed to Shenandoah or Stanley Elementary. PCHS Tech Center students have been transported back to PCHS and will be catching their regular bus home. Decisions about PCHS afternoon and evening events will be made once we have more information on the power situation. CCLC programs at both PCMS and Stanley Elementary have been cancelled.
Students at Luray Elementary, Springfield ES, Luray MS, and Luray High are being dismissed at their regular time today. Luray High students at the Technical Center will return to LHS at their regular time. All activities at LES, Springfield ES, LMS , LHS and PCTC will continue as scheduled this afternoon and evening.
Due to power outages in the Shenandoah Elementary, Page County Middle and Page County High and the need to coordinate transportation in the area, we will be dismissing Stanley Elementary students home early today, Wed, March 27, 2024 as well. PCPS will be providing transportation to all students who normally ride transportation and parents or guardians may pick up students from school. Anyone who is picking up a student will need to provide a valid, state issued ID and should be on the student’s emergency contact list.
The CCLC program at Stanley Elementary is being cancelled today and those students will ride thor regular bus home.
We anticipate that buses will be leaving Stanley Elementary around 2:30pm. We will continue to provide updated information this afternoon. Thank you for your patience and support.
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 - Due to power outages at Shenandoah Elementary, Page County Middle and Page County High we will be dismissing students home early today, Wed, March 27, 2024. PCPS will be providing transportation to all students who normally ride transportation and parents or guardians may pick up students from school. Anyone who is picking up a student will need to provide a valid, state issued ID and should be on the student’s emergency contact list.
Buses will plan to depart Page County High at 1:50pm, go to Page County Middle next, and then make their way to Shenandoah Elementary. We are coordinating transportation for students at the Tech Center who attend PCHS.
CCLC at Page County Middle is being canceled and those students will ride their regular bus home. Page County Middle school track practice is also canceled. A decision about all other afternoon and evening activities will be made once we get additional updates from the power company.
We will continue to provide updated information this afternoon. Thank you for your patience and support.
Are you, or someone you know, interested in being a part of PCPS? APPLY NOW!
PCPS will be offering 4 different camps this summer, similar to last year. All PCPS students currently in grades K-11 are invited to express interest using the link included in this post. Each camp will run Monday through Thursday. PCPS will be providing transportation at centralized locations. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
In order to provide the best experience possible, camps will be limited to 30 students. Should more than 30 students express interest, a lottery system will be used to select students.
All students desiring to attend should complete the form NO LATER THAN April 9, 2024. Students selected through the lottery to attend each camp will be notified using the email address provided in this form.
We look forward to loads of fun this summer!!
Important Bus Route Information --
Notice to Parents in the Stanley area --
Stanley Area
Please expect minor delays on Bus 35 this afternoon due to mechanical issues.
Thank you.
Important Bus Route Information--
Notice to Parents in the Shenandoah Area--
There will be NO BUS 48 this afternoon. Please
expect delays on this route.
Thank you.
This is a Reminder From PCPS-- Please complete NO LATER than March 28, 2024
As we did last year, we are asking parents to take the time to log into their Parent Portal Accounts and complete the ONE question survey regarding Internet Access.
If you need additional assistance logging into the Parent Portal, please refer to these step-by-step instructions.
Once you have logged into your Parent Portal, please go down to Forms on the left hand side, select Forms and then locate the Internet Access Survey and answer the ONE question.
After you have completed the survey, we ask that you also take the time to update any contact information that may have changed for your child(ren)--Emergency contact Information, Parent Contact Information, Medical Information, etc. This should be done AT LEAST once every year to help us keep our records as up-to-date as possible.
Thank you for your time and participation in this endeavor.
Page County Public Schools would like to extend a sincere “Thank You” to all First Responders for their heroic efforts during the recent wildfires. We know that it could have been so much worse if it hadn’t been for your tremendous effort and determination to protect our community.
Thank you for being our “Hometown Heroes'' in the face of such devastation.
We would also like to thank all of the residents of Page County and other areas who stepped up to volunteer or provided food, water, and other items in support of first responders and those in need, as well as those from outside agencies and organizations that came to assist.
Your support of our community has not gone unnoticed. We are all deeply grateful!
In honor of Women's History month, we are highlighting two women who changed the way we produce and consume foods. On March 27, 2024, we will offer a breakfast platter that includes toast, and at lunch we will offer various dishes highlighting Indian cuisine. Read below to learn more about Sarah Guppy and Madhur Jaffrey.