Good afternoon PCPS Faculty, Staff and Families,
Due to the current windy conditions we are experiencing this afternoon, Wed, March 20, 2024, please anticipate that your child’s arrival home today may be delayed as PCPS transportation staff will take every precaution needed to prioritize the safety of all students.
Additionally, power is out at the Central Office, so please be patient if you call as phones are currently down. If you need assistance, please call your child’s school.
We will continue to provide updates throughout the afternoon as needed.
Due to rolling and unpredictable power outages at Springfield Elementary School, we will be dismissing Springfield ES students home early today, Wed, March 20, 2024. PCPS will be providing transportation to all students who normally ride transportation and parents or guardians may pick up students from Springfield. Anyone who is picking up a student will need to provide a valid, state issued ID and should be on the student’s emergency contact list.
Buses are currently at Springfield and will be departing around 1:45pm.
Additionally, power is out at the Central Office, so please be patient if you call as phones are currently down. If you need assistance, please call your child’s school.
Important Bus Route Information--
Notice to parents in the Shenandoah Area--
Bus 5 will not be running this afternoon, Thursday, or Friday for AM or PM runs..
Bus 5 students will be 20-25 minutes late being picked up in the mornings and
Bus 29 students will be 20-25 minutes late in the afternoons.
Thank you for your patience.
PCPS is now accepting applications for Preschool for the 2024-2025 school year.
To Begin the Application Process:
n partnership with the VDOE Community Schools Grant and Page County Public Schools' Kindness Initiative, PCPS is pleased to present Dr. Brooks Gibbs, a popular youth speaker who inspires students not to get upset and to live by the "Golden Rule."
Join us for an engaging evening of inspiration and prizes made possible by our VDOE grant partnership. Prizes include themed baskets and the Grand Prize each evening of a Nintendo Switch.
Please see the flyer for more information.
Please join us for our 2nd Bingo Night of the semester on Saturday, April 13, 2024 at PCHS. A FREE meal will be provided, with a chance to win many PRIZES! This is open to everyone in the community; bring your families and come enjoy a fun evening together! See flyer for additional information.
Please RSVP using the link below OR call our Front Office at (540) 652-8712, and let them know how many people are planning to attend.
PCPS is pleased to announce that Summer Academic Academies will be held again this year. Students will be invited to attend later this spring by individual schools. Please be watching for more information posted and/or brought home from school by your child.
Important Bus Route Information--
Notice to parents in the Shenandoah Area--
No BUS 5 Tuesday 3/19/24. BUS 29 will be covering for this bus.
Please expect delays tomorrow.
Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to parents in the Luray/Springfield Area--
There will be NO BUS 58 until 4/9/24.
BUS 1 and BUS 40 will be covering this route
Please expect delays on this route moving forward.
Kindergarten Registration is NOW taking place. Please see the attachment for more information on how to register your child for the 2024-2025 school year.
Important Bus Route Information --
Notice to parents in the Springfield and Luray area--
Luray/Spingfield area
NO BUS 58 Monday morning 3/18.
Please expect delays on this route.
Thank you.
Important Bus Route Information --
Notice to parents in the Shenandoah area --
Bus 5 students will be 20-25 minutes late being picked up in the morning. Monday, March 18th.
Thank you.
In partnership with the VDOE Community Schools Grant and Page County Public Schools' Kindness Initiative, PCPS is pleased to present Dr. Brooks Gibbs, a popular youth speaker who inspires students not to get upset and to live by the "Golden Rule."
Join us for an engaging evening of inspiration and prizes made possible by our VDOE grant partnership. Prizes include themed baskets and the Grand Prize each evening of a Nintendo Switch.
Please see the flyer for more information.
This is a Reminder From PCPS-- Please complete NO LATER than March 28, 2024
As we did last year, we are asking parents to take the time to log into their Parent Portal Accounts and complete the ONE question survey regarding Internet Access.
If you need additional assistance logging into the Parent Portal, please refer to these step-by-step instructions.
Once you have logged into your Parent Portal, please go down to Forms on the left hand side, select Forms and then locate the Internet Access Survey and answer the ONE question.
After you have completed the survey, we ask that you also take the time to update any contact information that may have changed for your child(ren)--Emergency contact Information, Parent Contact Information, Medical Information, etc. This should be done AT LEAST once every year to help us keep our records as up-to-date as possible.
Thank you for your time and participation in this endeavor.
Are you ready to laugh until you cry? Get ready for DONKEY BASKETBALL!! FREE FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! Come join us!
Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to Parents in the Springfield Area--
There will be No BUS 58 this afternoon.
Please expect delays on this route.
Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to Parents in the Shenandoah Area--
There will be no BUS 11 today. BUS 29 will be transporting these students today.
Please expect delays on BUS 29's route.
Thank you.
This is a reminder that this evening, Thursday, March 14, 2024, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at the Central Office Board Room at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4p.m.
View LIVE:
Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to Parents in the Shenandoah Area--
BUS 4 has been DELAYED this morning.
Thank you for your patience.