Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to Parents in the Shenandoah Area--
Bus 5 in the Shenandoah area will not run today.
Bus 11 and Bus 29 will run a double on this route.
Bus 29 students will be approximately 30 minutes late arriving home this afternoon.
Notice to parents in the Springfield Area--
Springfield Bus 1 will not run this afternoon. Bus 58 and Bus 40 will split this route. Students may be up to 35-40 minutes late arriving home this evening.
Thank you.
Congratulations to Neil Porter, former LHS Basketball Stand-Out, on the retirement of his jersey #1!
What is kindness?
Kindness matters and it matters every day. Today is day one of our Kindness Week initiative. Start by defining what you think kindness is…it might be a kind word to someone, it might be lending a hand to someone in need, saying thank you to the person who held the door for you, or just smiling at someone. Kindness can be many different things and it is easy to be kind. Ask someone today how they demonstrate kindness. Be Kind. No exceptions!
Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to parents in the Springfield area--
Springfield Bus 1 will not be running tomorrow. Bus 58 and Bus 40 will cover this route. Please expect delays of up to 25 minutes on all 3 buses.
Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to parents in the Stanley area--
Bus 54 will not be running Monday, February 12th morning route. This route will be split between several buses. Minimal delays expected in this route, except for Honeyville Rd, and this area can expect delays of up to 30 minutes.
Thank you.
Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to Parents in the Luray Area-
There will be no Bus 2 this afternoon.
Please expect delays of up to 30 minutes for Bus 2 students.
Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to Parents in the Shenandoah Area--
Bus 11 will not run this afternoon.
Please expect delays of up to 20 minutes on Bus 5 and Bus 11 students this afternoon.
Digital Awareness Tip #5
Throughout next week, February 12 - 16, 2024, along with the Virginia Department of Education and other school divisions across the state, Page County Public Schools will celebrate Kindness Week. Kindness Week is to recognize that simple day-to-day acts of kindness enable our schools, communities, and state to be a kinder place to live, work, learn, and play. Practicing and celebrating kindness is to look for the good, bridge connections across differences, restore hope, and empower people to make our communities strong and resilient.
PCPS expresses our gratitude for all of our school counselors and counseling department staff. We are thankful for the work they do - seen and unseen - for all of our students, staff, and families. We appreciate you!!
Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to Parents in the Shenandoah Area--
Shenandoah area Bus 5 will not be running this afternoon. Students will arrive home later than usual due to those students being covered by a double run.
Thank you.
Correction: The date originally posted for the regularly scheduled school board meeting was incorrect. The meeting is TONIGHT, February 8, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the Central Office Board Room.
Digital Awareness Week Tip #4
We could use your help!
This is a reminder this evening, Thursday, February 8, 2024, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at the Central Office at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4p.m.
View LIVE:
Important Bus Route Information:
Notice to parents in the Stanley Area:
No bus 54 this morning in the Stanley area. Students in the Deerefield area will all ride Bus 7 this morning. Students on Park Rd and Roundhead Dr will be picked up by Bus 63 and can expect an EARLIER than normal pick up time of up to 10 minutes. Students on Honeyville rd can expect the bus to be up to 40 minutes late.
School Counselors are certified/licensed educator professionals with a master's degree and beyond. An integral part of the total education system, school counselors help students form healthy goals, mindsets, and behaviors; build relationship skills; and assist in planning their future career contributions to our world of work and community.
Digital Awareness Week Tip #3
Important Bus Route Information--
Notice to Parents in the Stanley Area--
There will be NO Bus 68 this afternoon. Bus 35 will be running a double instead to cover it. Please expect 30 to 40 minute delays on Bus 68 this afternoon.
Thank you.