This is a reminder that TODAY is the final day for scheduled pick-ups of student belongings. All schools are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. for you to do a drive-up style pickup. If you have not had the opportunity to get your child's belongings, we ask that you make every effort to get them today, as going forward special arrangements would have to be made with each school. Please share.

Lisa Atkins played volleyball for 2 years, softball for 4 years, and basketball for 2 years. Lisa plans to enter the workforce after graduation.

LHS Senior Spotlight -
Logan Atkins ran cross country for 2 years, track for 4 years, and winter track for 2 years. Logan plans to join the work force after graduation.

Week two: TikTok challenge!
Show us your best brand new TikTok moves! Remember, social distancing applies! Entries due by April 14th! Each week in April PACA and Leadership Club will post a new contest. Participate by creatively capturing your participation in either a video or photo. Email entries to Mrs. Benson (msmith@pagecounty.k12.va.us) or Mrs. Campbell (cecampbell@pagecounty.k12.va.us). The winning entry for each week will be posted on the LHS Facebook page and mailed a $50 gift card!

Congratulations to Tyler Gamble, our week one winner! Tyler will receive a $50 gift card of his choice that PACA will mail to him! See Tyler’s winning video below!

LHS Senior Spotlight -
Carlie Tharpe plans to attend Blue Ridge Community college to obtain her Associate's degree and then further her education in the Veterinarian Technician program.
While at LHS she was a member in the following : Makers club, National Honors Society, FCCLA, Campaigners for Christ, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Carlie also played basketball for 2 years, soccer for 2 years, ran track and cross country for 3 years.

LHS Senior Spotlight -
After graduation, Nathan Turner plans on attending Lord Fairfax Community College with plans to transfer to a four year college.

Congratulations to the Brynlee Burill and Emilee Weakley of Luray High School for being selected to VHSL 1st Team All-State BasketballTeam. This information was released in a press release today by the VHSL.
Eight (8) players are chosen for the first-team and eight players are selected for the second-team regardless of position. Only those players selected to all-region first-teams are eligible for selection to the All-State team.

Page County COVID-19 Resources & Contact Information. Please share.

LHS Senior Spotlight -
Devon Embry attended Luray High School, Massanutten Regional Governors School, and LFCC. His activities have included golf, Technological Student Association, and Boy Scouts. Devon has been accepted at James Madison University and plans to pursue a dual major in Integrated Science and Technology and Engineering with a minor in Robotics. He hopes to find a job working for NASA, DARPA, or working with robotic prosthetics.

After graduation, Dylan Geraghty plans to attend James Madison University and study in the medical field.

An update on End-of-Year Events for seniors and their parents, 4/06/20.

Just a reminder that the New Market Eagles Scholarship is due on Thurs., April 9th by 3:30. You can drop it off at school any day this week after 9:00 am. All other local scholarships are due on April 15th either electronically or drop off to us from 9 am - 12 or 1-4 pm

An update regarding students grades 4/06/20

This is a reminder that TODAY begins the week of pick-ups of personal belongings and the return of any school issued materials, text books, library books, etc. Please refer to the times below for your designated day and times.
Monday, April 6, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Students last names of A-H)
Tuesday, April 7, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Students with last name I-Q)
Wednesday, April 8, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Students with the last names R-Z)
Thursday, April 9, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (If you are unable to attend during your assigned day).
Please share.

Here's something to keep the kids active. Take part of the 10 day Heart Challenge.

LHS Senior Spotlight -
Morgan Strassner will be attending the University of Virginia in the fall to study Biology in order to go to medical or veterinary school. She also plans to minor in Spanish to be a translator. She plans to enroll in the Disney College Program Internship in the fall of 2021. Morgan has participated in several clubs and activities, such as serving as captain and 3 time region champion for the LHS Forensics Team, President of Spanish Club and Spanish Honor Society, and others. Morgan plans to continue her performing skills on UVA’s Speech and Debate Team.

LHS Senior Spotlight -
While at Luray High School, Olivia Grieve participated in the following - competition cheerleading for 4 years, sideline football cheer for 4 years, and basketball sideline cheer for 3 years. She has been a member of the National Honors Society and was Vice President this year. In addition, she was a member of the Discovery Club and Makers Club. Olivia will be attending Virginia Commonwealth University in the Fall and plans to pursue a career in Interior Design.

Chloe Hilliard plans to attend Longwood University or James Madison University to major in psychology. In her four years at LHS she was a chapter officer for FCCLA and an active member in Campaigners for Christ, National Honors Society, Spanish Honors Society, and Leadership Club. She was also involved in filming for Boys Basketball (2 years) and Football (1 year). Additionally, Chloe kept the stats for Baseball (1 year).

LHS Senior Spotlight -
Brianna Hilliard will graduate from Luray High School and the Page County Technical Center. As a result of her academic path, she plans to attend Radford University in the Fall to major in nursing.