LHS Senior Spotlight - While attending Luray High School, Dylan McAlister completed the electrity program at Page County Technical Center. Dylan also played varsity baseball  for 1 year. Dylan plans to join the workforce after graduation.
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Senior Spotlight DM
LHS Senior Spotlight - Tayla Wright is a senior at both Luray High School and Massanutten Regional Governor’s School. She will be graduating with an Associate’s Degree from Lord Fairfax Community College which will coincide with her high school diploma. During her four years at Luray High School, Tayla has been an active member of Leadership Club, National Honor Society, French Club, Interact, Campaigners for Christ, and served as Luray High School’s FCCLA Chapter President for two years. Tayla plans to attend James Madison University in the fall to pursue a career in Justice Studies.
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Senior Spotlight TW
Week three: How are you staying active and healthy at home? Are you preparing new and healthy meals or enjoying time outdoors? Capture how you’re staying well! Entries are due by April 21st! Email entries to Mrs. Benson (msmith@pagecounty.k12.va.us) or Mrs. Campbell (cecampbell@pagecounty.k12.va.us). The winning entry for each week will be posted on the LHS Facebook page and mailed a $50 Walmart gift card!
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Congratulations to Blake Dean, winner of the Week 2 PACA challenge! https://drive.google.com/open?id=11quYILuPOTEMDhZUmKvVujjZYyJKU15U
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Attention Seniors and Senior Parents - We will be giving all seniors a 1/4 page ad in the LHS yearbook for school year 2019-2020. In order to be included, please submit 3 or 4 pictures (not cap and gown) to Steve Johnson (sjohnson@pagecounty.k12.va.us). Along with these pictures, we are asking for parents to submit a quote, encouraging thoughts, etc. to your senior.
almost 5 years ago, LHS
LHS Senior Spotlight - During his time at LHS, Michael was a member of Campaigners for Christ Club for 3 years, Spanish Club for 4 years, National Honors Society for one year, and was an inaugural member of the Spanish Honors Society. Michael represented his school by joining the LHS Golf Team for 2 years. He also was our first senior who competed on the LHS Debate Team. During the Debate Team season, Michael placed 4th in the Region for the Virginia High School League and placed 2nd in the Virginia Catholic Forensics League State Finals. Michael will be attending Liberty University in pursuit of a Law and Policy Major. He also plans to join the Liberty University Debate Team and hopes to represent Liberty by joining the Shotgun Team.
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Senior Spotlight MS
LHS Senior Spotlight - Erin Sours says she is on a mission to spread happiness, respect others and help others whenever a helping hand is needed! She has been involved in the following: TRI-M, National Honors Society, Spanish Club (also Vice President), Colorguard Captain, LHS Aspire Winterguard, Choir, Campaigners for Christ and Percussion. Erin plans to continue her education and go into the medical field and work as a Trauma Nurse.
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Senior Spotlight ES
Attention Current 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Graders: Please remember to complete your course selections for the 2020-2021 school year by May 1st. You may do this by completing the Google form that was emailed to you or you may return the paper course selection sheet that is included with your report card. Paper course selection sheets can be mailed to: LHS, 243 Bulldog Drive, Luray, VA 22835. Please email Mrs. Lam or Mrs. Grogg-Mathews with any questions. We are also monitoring our voicemail messages.
almost 5 years ago, LHS
ATTENTION SENIORS: This is a reminder that all local scholarships are due April 15th. You may either submit your scholarships by email to Mrs. Grogg-Mathews or Mrs. Lam or drop off at LHS from 9 - 12 or 1 - 4 on April 15th. Please include a list of the scholarships you are applying for as well as copies of all required documents. If you have any questions, please let us know as soon as possible.
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Below is the information for tonight's School Board meeting for those who would like to join remotely: Topic: PCPS School Board Mtg 4-13-20 Time: Apr 13, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78846920474?pwd=YXZPM0hBaGlaQjlpc0VBMUJtUjBsZz09 Meeting ID: 788 4692 0474 Password: 4QajWX Please share.
almost 5 years ago, Page County Public Schools
LHS Senior Spotlight - Lucas Rowe plays many instruments including guitar, drums, ukelele, bass guitar, and a little piano. He is planning on joining the military in the near future. He enjoyed writing and technology classes in high school.
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Senior Spotlight LR
LHS Senior Spotlight - Dwayne Timothy Hassett Jr. is currently a Junior Volunteer Firefighter for Luray Fire Department. He has completed Firefighter 1 and is waiting to take Firefighter 2 and EMT classes to fulfill his path of becoming a paid firefighter.
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Senior Spotlight TH
Karisa Goff has completed her academics at Luray High School. She has volunteered as a makeup artist and actor at Darkwood Manor for the last three years. She has also participated in several films produced by a local company, V2 Pictures, both behind the camera doing Special Effects Makeup and on screen as an actress. She has been accepted to and plans to attend Tom Savini’s Special Effects Makeup Program at the Douglas Education Center in Pennsylvania this fall.
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Senior Spotlight KG
LHS Senior Spotlight - Kayla Corwin was on the academic team for 3 years. She remembers going to regions for 2 of those years and winning districts during one of those years! In the fall, Kayla plans on attending Lord Fairfax Community College to pursue a degree in education and then transfer to James Madison University where she will pursue a degree in psychology and school counseling. She wants to be a guidance counselor one day!
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Senior Spotlight KC
LHS Senior Spotlight - Alexus McCoy played volleyball (3 years), outdoor track (4 years), and basketball (1 year). She was an officer in FCCLA and a member of NHS and FCA. Alexus plans to go to the State College of Florida to become a labor and delivery nurse. 
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Senior Spotlight AM
LHS Senior Spotlight - Kelsy Coffey attended PCTC for nursing while at LHS. She plans to attend Radford University in the fall of 2020 and major in criminal justice.
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Senior Spotlight KC
Please see the update below from the VHSL regarding athletics and the COVID-19 outbreak.
almost 5 years ago, LHS
vHSL 2
Tyler Gamble plans on attending JMU in the fall to get a degree in Computer Information Systems and plans on joining the color guard team. He was part of the high school color guard for three years. He participated in the following clubs: GSA, NHS, SCA, Campaigners For Christ, Book Club. Tyler also loved being part of the yearbook class.
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Senior Spotlight TG
LHS Senior Spotlight - Cole Atkins ran track for 2 years and cross country for 1 year. Cole plans to enter the work force after graduation.
almost 5 years ago, LHS
Senior Spotlight C. Atkins
This is a reminder that TODAY is the final day for scheduled pick-ups of student belongings. All schools are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. for you to do a drive-up style pickup. If you have not had the opportunity to get your child's belongings, we ask that you make every effort to get them today, as going forward special arrangements would have to be made with each school. Please share.
almost 5 years ago, Page County Public Schools