Today is School Resource Officer Appreciation Day, and we have the best!! Be sure to thank them for all they do!!
almost 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
SROs from different schools across the division
On Friday, Mr. Valle's History class learned how to make game pieces, using 3D Doodlers, to go with the game boards they are designing. This is part of an ongoing project within the class. Thanks to Ms. Vaughn and Mrs. Brumfield, division ITRTs, for their assistance with this project.
almost 2 years ago, Luray High School
collage of 3D doodling in History class
3D Doodle projects in Valle History class
#VAKindnessWeek -- How Will You Show Your Kindness?
almost 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
VA Kindness Week
Weather Alert - Monday, February 13, 2023 Out of an abundance of caution and due to varied conditions across the division, all PCPS schools and offices will open on a 2-hour delay tomorrow, Monday, February 13, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
PCPS would like to acknowledge our secondary school counselors & school counseling department staff for helping our students navigate life, and for encouraging them to dream big!
almost 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Secondary Counselors
Chromebook Care
almost 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Chromebook Care Day 4  Chromebook Care.  Charging your Chromebook. Try not to let the Chromebook battery go below 10%. When charging your Chromebook you should see a light on the charger. If not please make sure that all parts of the charger are connected, or try another outlet. It should only take an hour or two to charge the Chromebook.  Please do not leave it plugged in for more than 9 hours at a time.  Protecting your Chromebook. If the Chromebook is being carried, it should be closed and held securely. Never hold the Chromebook by the screen. Do not touch the screen with other objects.  Do not close the Chromebook with anything on the keyboard, or store anything in the case. Keep food and drink away from the Chromebook. Store your Chromebook in a place where it will not be damaged. Keep the Chromebook in its case. Don’t stack anything on top of your Chromebook
Today, Miss Milford's senior class merged with Mrs. Burley's freshman class advisory to complete the Digital Awareness lesson and to help foster mentorship.
almost 2 years ago, Luray High School
collage of digital awareness pics class activities
Mrs. Benson's Integrated physics students made motion diagrams of the movement of toy cars. They then made position versus time graphs to analyze the cars velocity.
almost 2 years ago, Luray High School
students working on a project together
students working on a project together
How To Avoid Being Scammed.
almost 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
How to avoid being scammed.  Take the time to think before you react.  Many scams try to get you to act before you think.  Never give anyone your username and password. Some scammers will try to trick you into giving them this information.  Never tell anyone the code that was texted to you. Using a code to complete your login is great, but no one should be asking you to tell them the code.  Never trust companies that contact you unexpectedly. If you are contacted by your bank, credit card, or someone else saying there is a problem, contact them using the number provided on their website or card.  Do not click a link that you are not sure about. The link might claim to be something important, but it could be trying to steal your information.
This is a reminder that tonight, Wednesday, February 8, 2023, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting . The meeting will be held at the Central Office Board Room at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4 p.m. Thank you. Agenda: Comments: View LIVE:
almost 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
School Board Meeting
School counselors make a difference in the lives of students, each and every day. In addition to helping students navigate their academic journey and prepare for a career, school counselors can help young people develop as a whole — personally, academically and professionally.
almost 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
What is A School Counselor?
Today, students at Luray High School welcomed former L.A. Times reporter and author, Sam Quinones. Quinones addressed students' questions that they prepared after having read his novel, Dreamland: The True Tale of America's Opiate Epidemic, over the past few months during Advisory period. This assembly was made possible by Page County Alliance for Community Action (PACA).
almost 2 years ago, Luray High School
Sam Quinones, Summer Forder, and Conner Janney
student body LHS
Summer and Conner Questioning Sam Quinones
Meg Gordon and Sam Quinones
Is it a scam?
almost 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Is it a scam?  It seems too good to be true. You won a new iPad!  Free three-night cruise! You just won a $1000 gift card!  You were contacted unexpectedly. They call, text, or email you when you did not reach out to them.  There is a sense of urgency. They say it is an emergency, or you must respond immediately.   You are asked not to contact the person directly, or to keep it a secret. Scammers have a better chance of fooling you if you don't talk to anyone else.  You are asked to give money in an unusual way. You are asked to pay with a gift card, iTunes card, or wire transfer.  You are asked for your username, password, or pin. No one should be asking you for this information.  You are asked to give a code that was texted to you. Using a code to complete your sign-in is great, but no one should be asking you to tell them this code.
Historically, counselors began working in schools to provide vocational guidance to those joining the workforce. However, the term "guidance counselor" no longer encompasses the broad scope of work and duties provided by today's school counselors. The role of the school counselor has evolved to become a central and important part of a child’s development and educational career. PCPS is thankful for our School Counselors!
almost 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
"School Counselors"
Use code FEB23 to take advantage of our winter sale in our LHS Spirit Store! Access the store here:
almost 2 years ago, Tara Meadows
Have you purchased the 2022 yearbook yet? If not, BUY IT TODAY! 2022 yearbooks are available at Luray High School for $70 per book. Cash or Check accepted. Orders for 2023 Yearbooks are now being accepted. The cost is $65.00. Order yours TODAY! Anyone with questions should contact Ms. Clark-Lambert at Luray High School .
almost 2 years ago, Luray High School
Buy Your Yearbook Like, Now
Page County Public Schools encourages Digital Awareness. Follow us this week to learn more about what you should do to prevent yourself from being scammed or a victim of cyber attacks.
almost 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Steps to avoid cyber attacks  Don’t give out personal information. Don’t give out phone numbers, social security information, or banking information to someone you don’t know. Confirm that people are who they say they are before trusting them.  Use strong passwords.  Create passwords with a combination of capital, and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Use different passwords for different sites, so that when someone gets one password, they don’t have them all. Passwords should be at least 8 characters.  Avoid suspicious links. Be careful of websites, messages, or emails containing links. Some websites may use quizzes, surveys, freebies, or stories to get you to click on them and then steal your personal information.  Check website reliability, Before purchasing anything on a website, ensure that it is safe. Check that it has a small lock icon or “https” before the URL. The “s” in “https” stands for ‘Secure’ and the lock means it is confirmed as a safe site by your browser. Also, make sure the company has a physical address and contact information.  Keep your computer updated. Computer developers release updates to keep products safe. Keep your device software up to date so it is not vulnerable to malware.  Be cautious with public Wi-Fi. Be careful when you use public Wi-Fi. Never share any personal information over public Wi-Fi: credit cards, banking info, social security numbers, etc.
National School Counseling Week 2023, "School Counselors: Helping Students Dream Big," will be celebrated from February 6-10, 2023, to recognize the unique contribution of school counselors within PCPS and the tremendous impact they have in helping students achieve academic, career, and personal success.
almost 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
School Counselors Helping Students Dream Big
Mr. Valle's USVA History class plays a game where they investigate the possible explanations for the disappearance of the Roanoke colonists using illustrations of primary sources.
almost 2 years ago, Luray High School
students playing a game
students working on a game solution
picture of the game
Mr. Valle assisting students with the game