Congratulations to Breanna Turner (1st Place) and Connor Cubbage (3rd Place) in the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. essay/writing contest. Breanna and Connor are both in the Class of 2023. Congratulations!
Wednesday, Feb. 1 - Weather Alert
Due to varied conditions across the county, Page County Public Schools will open two-hours late today, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023. Staff will continue to assess conditions and if any additional changes to the schedule need to be made, we will notify staff and families as soon as possible.
Thank you and please be safe.
This is an important weather related message from PCPS:
Weather forecasts and conditions are being monitored closely this evening. IF any changes need to be made to the school day tomorrow, a decision will be made and announced by 5:30 a.m. Thank you.
Today, senior, Alex Runyan, was sworn into the United States Coast Guard. Alex has chosen to enlist in the Coast Guard through the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) and will leave for basic training late this summer. He plans to pursue a career in maritime enforcement. Congratulations, Alex!
History students in Mr. Strunk's classes visited Mrs. Runyan in the library to learn more about available resources and MLA citations. Mr. Strunk's students will be completing several projects over the course of the semester that will require them to do some intensive searching for relevant source material.
Yesterday, Mrs. Moss took her Environmental Science classes outside to conduct the egg drop experiment. Students attempted to construct something that would protect their egg from breaking after being dropped approximately 10 feet. Students are learning about the scientific method.
This is a reminder that Report Cards are NOW AVAILABLE on the PCPS Parent Portal.
If you are accessing the Parent Portal on your cell phone through the app, and you receive a message that says it is not syncing properly, please log out of the app and then log back in. You can do this by going to More--->Account--->Sign Out. Then, sign back into your account.
This is a reminder that tonight, Thursday, January 26, 2023, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting . The meeting will be held at Page County High School, at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4 p.m. Thank you.
View LIVE:
Activities Update - Wed., Jan. 25, 2023
Games that were scheduled today at LMS and PCHS are being postponed or cancelled. Practices and rehearsals may be held at the school’s discretion but will end by 6:00pm. No student will be penalized for not being able to attend a practice or rehearsal due to unsafe road conditions in their area or due to a lack of transportation. Coaches and sponsors will be communicating with students and families as soon as possible.
The LifeSpot makeup training scheduled for staff will be held as scheduled at 6:00pm at Luray High School.
PCPS is continuing to monitor conditions and if additional changes need to be made, we will communicate as soon as possible.
Dates for events that can be rescheduled will be shared as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Weather Update
Out of an abundance of caution with everyone’s safety in mind and with current forecasts varying across the division, all PCPS schools are closed today, Wednesday, January 25 2023. 10 and 11 month staff do not need to report. Information will be forthcoming for all 12-month staff. A decision about afternoon and evening activities will be made later today. Thank you and everyone stay safe.
Important Weather Related Information:
Page County Public Schools will open on a two-hour delay for all staff and students on Wednesday, January 25, 2023. Division staff will reassess conditions in the morning and the decision may need to made to close school altogether. Additional notifications will be made as early as possible tomorrow morning. Thank you.
Weather Update
Page County Public Schools will open on a two-hour delay for all staff and students on Wednesday, January 25, 2023. Division staff will reassess conditions in the morning and a decision may be made to close schools altogether. Additional notifications will be made as early as possible tomorrow morning.
This is a reminder that report cards will be available electronically through the PCPS Parent Portal on Friday, January 27th (please click the link for instructions on how to access). If you have not yet set up your Parent Portal, please do so as soon as possible. You may contact your child's school to obtain your access code. Thank you.
Please mark your calendars and join us for the 26th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, Sunday, January 29, 2023.
We hope you will join us!
Attendance Information for Parents/Guardians
Please take a moment to read this important information about student attendance -
Thank you!
This is a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL for students, tomorrow, Friday, January 20, 2023. This is a scheduled workday for staff. Thank you, and have a great weekend.
Important Message for Parents/Guardians:
Electronic report cards will be available on Friday, January 27, 2023, through the PCPS Parent Portal. Please see the instructions on how to access your child's report card. You must have a Parent Portal already established in order to read the report. If you have not yet done this, please contact your child's school as soon as possible to get your access code. Thank you.
Shenandoah ES Students and Staff Returning to the Building
The Shenandoah Fire Department has cleared Shenandoah Elementary and students and staff are returning to class. No fire was reported and staff are continuing to evaluate the source of the smell of smoke as well as the fire alarm system. If any additional actions are needed, we will err on the side of student and staff safety and respond appropriately.
Thank you to the Shenandoah Fire Department for their prompt response and support. Thank you to our teachers and staff for their diligent work to keep everyone safe, and thank you to our students for being responsive to staff.
Important Reminder for Parents/Guardians:
Report Cards Are Quickly Approaching!
PCPS is moving to an all electronic report card, allowing parents and guardians much easier and quicker access to their students' grades. The second quarter ends on Thursday, January 19, 2023. Electronic report cards will be issued on Friday, January 27, 2023 and can be accessed through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you have not yet set up your Parent Portal, please contact your child’s school to get your access code as soon as possible. Thank you.
Sophomores at Luray High School participate in a "round table" discussion of themes, symbolism and the American dream, after reading John Steinbeck's, Of Mice and Men.