State Competition will be held June 3 and June 4th at James Madison University. Good luck to all of our state qualifiers.
This is a reminder that tonight, Thursday, May 26, 2022, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at Luray High School, at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4 p.m. Thank you.
View LIVE:
Please read this important letter from Dr. Antonia Fox, division superintendent.
Thank you.
This is a reminder that Thursday, May 26th and Friday, May 27th, are 12:30 p.m. release days for students.
Thank you, and please share.
We'd like to take a moment and thank all of our dedicated School Resource Officers for all that they do for our administrators, staff and students each day. They have a big responsibility in making sure that we are kept safe, and we appreciate all the hours they put in to be there for everyone. Thank a School Resource Officer. They deserve it.
Student registration for the Arts &Cultural camp and Sports & Recreation camp will end close on Friday, May 27, 2022. Student registration for the STEM camp and the Environmental camp will close on Friday, June 3, 2022.
PCPS is seeking feedback from staff and parents on the use of American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER III funds. Please take a moment to provide feedback using THIS FORM by May 31, 2022. Feedback will be considered when updates or revisions to the plan need to be made. Thank you!
Today's your day, seniors! You made it! Congratulations to the Class of 2022. You've made us proud!
The Luray High School Class of 2022 will graduate today at 6:00 pm at LHS. The ceremony will be held outside. If you are unable to attend, the ceremony will be live streamed at the link below.
Just a reminder that guests need to bring their own chairs. No tents or canopies are allowed in the assigned pods. This ensures that no one's view is obstructed.
Congratulations Class of 2022!
Students and Families:
Please see some of the activities planned below for the Environmental Summer Camp session. Registration is still ongoing through the Google Form.
*Camping day at the lake and build your own boat adventure
*Wildlife day- experience nature firsthand with a visit to see real animals
*Fossil fuel and carbon footprint- analyze the impact we make on our environment and make your own fossil fuels
* Insect day- explore the creepy-crawly world and build your own ant farm
*Weather day where you will try to build structures that withstand natural disasters!
*Plant day where you will dig to discover the treasures of the soil and grow your own chia pets
*Rock and geology day...take a trip through a cave and explore the crust of the earth
*Nature craft day-use nature's beauty to make your own crafts!
Graduation is time to celebrate, but it's also time to reflect on relationships that formed during a students education. We are fortunate in Page County that some of these relationships continue for many, many years, and will even continue once they move on to the next stages of their lives. When those students come back to see you "one final time" it makes what we do every single day mean that much more. They are, after all, the reason we do what we do.
Mrs. Hinegardner, principal of Shenandoah Elementary School, got a surprise visit today from two students from the Luray High School Class of 2022 whom she taught in 3rd grade at Luray Elementary School. They drove all the way down to Shenandoah Elementary, in caps and gowns, just so she could see them. This is what it's all about. Congratulations to all of our seniors, it's your time to shine!
Students & families - Please see some of the activities planned below for the Sports and Recreation Summer Camp session.
Registration is still ongoing through the Google Form.
“May the Course Be With You”: obstacle course, relay races, and minute to win it games
“Game of Throws”: learn how to play disc golf, frisbee golf, and other games that require throwing
“Every Day Is a Walk In the Park”: Imagination Station adventure to include the walking trail with stations set up, new playground, and an opportunity to put your newly acquired disc golf skills to use on their course
“We Lake It A Lot”: take a trip to Lake Arrowhead to hike the trail, learn how to play cornhole, and volleyball
“Bowling is Right Up Our Alley”: experience duckpin bowling; learn bowling terminology, how to keep score, and participate in a friendly tournament
“Swinging Into the Weekend Like…”: join us for an adventure on the ropes course at Luray Caverns and play a game of whiffle ball
Become part of a growing group of unique young women! Shenandoah Reel Women (SRW) and the Friends of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River (FNFSR) are pleased to announce the upcoming fly fishing camps made possible by the 2021/22 Virginia Wildlife Grant Program through a partnership between the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources and the Wildlife Foundation of Virginia and awarded to FNFSR.
The registration fee for this camp is $125.
Scholarships are available. Registration for either of these camps can be made at .
For more information, please contact:
Joan Chapman, Shenandoah Reel Women, 703-507-2276 or
Julia Sargent, Director of Programs, Friends of the North Fork: 540-459-8550 or
*These materials and the activities described are not sponsored or endorsed by the Page County Public Schools.*
Notice to Parents in the Luray Area:
Late Bus
Bus 30 and Bus 55 will combine this afternoon. Please expect delays on both routes.
Principal for Shenandoah Elementary School Announced:
Notice to Parents in the Luray Area
Late Bus
Bus 39 will be approximately 20 minutes late this morning.
LHS students "Picked UP Page County" Saturday by collecting litter on Lakewood Dr. and Dry Run Rd. They sorted the litter by glass, plastic, and aluminum, so more bags were recyclables than trash!! Maroon Maniacs give back!!!
Congratulations to all of the Massanutten Regional Governor's School graduates of 2022.
Congratulations to these Page County and Luray High School seniors that have completed their time at the Massanutten Regional Governor's School. Well done!
Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the links to read the letters regarding notice for 5/17/22.