April is Autism Acceptance Month: April is Autism Acceptance Month! Autism Acceptance Month aims to foster acceptance and to ignite change through improved support and opportunities for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This month is a good time to investigate Autism Acceptance Month resources and access the Virginia Commonwealth University Autism Center for Excellence resources. The most recent information from the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network shows that 1 in 44 eight-year-old children have an ASD. What can you do to Learn the Signs and Act Early? . Resources: https://ttaconline.org/Event/29xsixzmjHrGc2R_rlJuZg/Event-autism-acceptance-month-april-2022-national-today--autism-society-of-central-virginia VCU Autism Center for Excellence: http://www.vcuautismcenter.org/ CDC's Autism Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/ss/ss7011a1.htm?s_cid=ss7011a1_w Learn the signs and act early: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/index.html
over 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Autism Acceptance Month
This is a reminder that tonight, Thursday, April 28, 2022, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at the Central Office Board Room at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4 p.m. Thank you. Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public Comments: https://forms.gle/2opdrmxscV1bWHgN6 View LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live
over 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
school board meeting
Congratulations to both Luray and Page County High School Class of 2022 students who participated in the LFCC recognition ceremony last night. These students were recognized for their accomplishments within the Lord Fairfax Dual Enrollment program. Congratulations on all of your hard work!
over 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
LHS and PCHS students LFCC
Happy Administrative Professional's Day. To all of our Administrative Professionals with PCPS, we say, Thank You for all you do each and every day. You are a vital part of our school system, and we wouldn't be able to do our jobs without you! You are appreciated!!
over 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Happy Administrative Professionals Day
Administrative Professionals Day is April 27, 2022, but we are celebrating our unsung heroes all week long. Mrs. Ellen Lukasavage--Luray High School Born and raised in New Jersey, Mrs. Lukasavage was senior in high school when she got her first job as a data entry clerk at a car dealership. From there she worked the next 15 years entering data and creating licensure tests for medical students. She moved to Stanley in 1991, and has worked at Luray High School since 1999. She says, if she could give advice to her younger self she'd say, "travel, spend time with your loved ones as often as you can." Her favorite sports teams are The Luray Bulldogs, followed closely by the Green Bay Packers. LOL While she has enjoyed her time with Page County Public Schools, Mrs. Lukasavage says, "It's time to retire. I want to spend more time with my husband, and my sweet cat, Shadow Sugar Plum" Mrs. Lukasavage will be retiring at the end of this school year. We wish you all the best in your retirement years. Thank you for all you have done for Luray High School, and for your dedication to Page County Public Schools. You are appreciated.
over 2 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Ellen Lukasavage Luray High School
Administrative Professional's Day is On Wednesday, April 27, 2022, but we are taking the entire week to shine a little light on those in our division who are most definitely unsung heroes. Luray High School--Pam Nichols Mrs. Nichols currently serves at Luray High School. She has worked within the division for 23 years, having worked at Luray Elementary, Luray Middle School, and Luray High School. When asked if she could give advice to her younger self, what would it be? She responded, "Make sweet memories and let the house work go...It will wait on you. Those precious kids grow up!" When she is not with her school family, Mrs. Nichols enjoys making memories with her own family every chance she gets. Thank you, Mrs. Nichols, for all the years you have devoted to Page County Public Schools. You are so appreciated.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Pam Nichols LHS
Reminders for Prom on 4/23: We will have photo opportunities for students and parents from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm at LHS with the Prom decorations. Prom will begin at 8:00 pm and last until 12:00 am. After Prom is at Luray Middle School and doors will open at 12:00 am and end at 4:00 am.
almost 3 years ago, Nicky Clark
Announcement to all student drivers at PCTC: Due to paving of the student parking lot, student drivers for both AM and PM sessions will need to report to their home high school and use bus transportation Tuesday, April 19 and Wednesday, April 20. Without the availability of the student parking lot and the wet conditions of today, there is insufficient parking for all student drivers. Thank you for your understanding as we improve our facilities!
almost 3 years ago, LHS
The regularly scheduled school board meeting for this evening WILL take place. The meeting is at 6:30 p.m. in the central office board room. If you are unable to attend, please remember that the meeting can be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Thank you, and please share.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Due to weather conditions, all evening activities have been canceled. The school board meeting that is to be held this evening is still to be determined. We will update ASAP.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
All evening activities, practices, and the winter sports banquet have been canceled for this evening, 4/18, at LHS.
almost 3 years ago, Nicky Clark
Don't forget, this event is tomorrow evening at Luray High School. We hope to see you there.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
three little pigs
This is a reminder that school will resume tomorrow, Tuesday, April 19, 2022. Thank you, and please share.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
This is a reminder that the school board meeting originally scheduled for Thursday, April 14th, will be held this evening, Monday, April 18, 2022. Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public Comments: https://forms.gle/7p7ue4NQ43vV9p786 View LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live Thank you, and please share.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
This is a reminder that there is No School for students, Tomorrow, Friday, April 15th, or Monday, April 18th. Monday, April 18, 2022, will be a regularly scheduled professional development day for staff. Thank you, and enjoy. Photo Credits to the National Park Service (Wildflowers in Shenandoah National Park)
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Shenandoah National Park Service picture of wildflowers
Important Message from Page County Public Schools: Tonight's regularly scheduled School Board Meeting has been POSTPONED. The meeting will now occur on Monday, April, 18, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. at the Central Office Board Room. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you, and please share.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
This is a reminder that tonight, Thursday, April 14, 2022, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at the Central Office Board Room at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4 p.m. Thank you. Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public Comments: https://forms.gle/7p7ue4NQ43vV9p786 View LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
school board meeting
We're celebrating School Library Month! Mrs. Carrie Campbell--Luray High School When asked to tell a little bit about herself Mrs. Campbell responded, "I love words. My favorite is hippopotamus. As a child, my favorite part of the school day was reading and library time. I usually got in trouble during both, because I would get so excited about what I was reading (or the filmstrip we were watching--Madeline and Tikki Tikki Tembo were favorites and still are) that I would talk to anyone who would listen. I taught English for 11 years and naturally transitioned to the library where I am encouraged to talk to as many people as I can...about books! I love pairing a person with the just right book. As Jefferson said, "I cannot live without books." Thank you, Mrs. Campbell, for all you do for the students of Luray High School. You are appreciated.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
carrie campbell
Important Bus Route Information-- Notice to Parents in the Luray Area: Late Bus-- Bus 50 will be approximately 30 minutes late this afternoon. Please share.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
important bus route info
Important Bus Route Info-- Late Bus-- Bus 27 in the Luray area will e about 20 minutes late today and will be divided up between Bus 55 and Bus 30. Please share.
almost 3 years ago, Page County Public Schools
important bus route info