Attention families and friends of Luray High School:
This afternoon we evacuated the high school due to smoke inside the building. Following a full evacuation and emergency response, fire officials determined that a furnace had malfunctioned. They were able to remedy the situation quickly and we were permitted to safely re-enter the building. We appreciate the swift response by local emergency services. We are also proud to say that our students and staff handled this situation beautifully.
Nicky Clark
Luray High School

This week at PCPS we are celebrating ALL of our employees. Every single person within our school system plays a vital role in making sure that our students are safe and loved. THANK YOU for everything you do. Please join us in the celebration. Take the time this week to just say, "thank you " to those who help your child(ren) each and every day.

Are you looking for a rewarding job opportunity? We invite you to visit our booth at Lord Fairfax Community College (located behind Walmart)TODAY, until 6 p.m. All types of positions available for the 2023 school year. Stop on by and consider joining the PCPS family.
Please share.

April is Autism Acceptance Month:
April is Autism Acceptance Month! Autism Acceptance Month aims to foster acceptance and to ignite change through improved support and opportunities for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This month is a good time to investigate Autism Acceptance Month resources and access the Virginia Commonwealth University Autism Center for Excellence resources. The most recent information from the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network shows that 1 in 44 eight-year-old children have an ASD. What can you do to Learn the Signs and Act Early? .
Resources: https://ttaconline.org/Event/29xsixzmjHrGc2R_rlJuZg/Event-autism-acceptance-month-april-2022-national-today--autism-society-of-central-virginia
VCU Autism Center for Excellence: http://www.vcuautismcenter.org/
CDC's Autism Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/ss/ss7011a1.htm?s_cid=ss7011a1_w
Learn the signs and act early: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/index.html

This is a reminder that tonight, Thursday, April 28, 2022, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at the Central Office Board Room at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4 p.m. Thank you.
Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public
Comments: https://forms.gle/2opdrmxscV1bWHgN6
View LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live

Wednesday, April 27, 2022, is Administrative Professionals Day, but we are celebrating our professionals all week long.
Ms. Charlotte Stidham--Luray Middle School
Mrs. Stidham has been with Page County Public Schools for the past 15 years, serving at Luray Elementary, Luray High, and now serves at Luray Middle School. She says when she is not working she enjoys reading, crafts, playing Bingo, yard sales and craft shows.
Ms. Stidham has four children, and says they are her greatest accomplishment in life.
If she could go anywhere in the world, she'd go to Hawaii. She's never had the opportunity to go, but has had several friends travel there and she loves to look at their pictures.
Thank you, Ms. Stidham, for your dedication to Page County Public Schools. You are appreciated.

Happy Administrative Professional's Day. To all of our Administrative Professionals with PCPS, we say, Thank You for all you do each and every day. You are a vital part of our school system, and we wouldn't be able to do our jobs without you! You are appreciated!!

On Wednesday, April 27, 2022, it is Administrative Professionals Day, but we at Page County Public Schools, are taking the entire week to honor some of our unsung heroes.
Luray Middle School--Ms. Samantha Gray
Ms. Gray is a 2010 graduate of Luray High School. This is her first year serving as Administrative Professional at Luray Middle School, previously she served as Attendance Coordinator for Page County Middle School and a Special Education Assistant at Page County High School.
When asked what she enjoys most about her job, Ms. Gray responded, "The kids! Without a doubt, it's the kids!" She loves being able to form bonds and establish relationships, while watching them grow and mature.
Ms. Gray says her proudest accomplishment is making the decision to go to college to pursue her bachelor's degree. She is still in the beginning process, but she has been accepted to a university. She says it gives her a great sense of accomplishment knowing she is pushing herself to be a better person and role model for her own children.
Thank you, Samantha, for all you do for our division and for pushing yourself to be the best you can be. You are appreciated.

Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the link to read the letter regarding notice for 4/21/22.
Luray Middle School https://5il.co/1996v

7th graders at LMS built bristle bot robots today. 🤖

The regularly scheduled school board meeting for this evening WILL take place. The meeting is at 6:30 p.m. in the central office board room. If you are unable to attend, please remember that the meeting can be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Thank you, and please share.

Due to weather conditions, all evening activities have been canceled. The school board meeting that is to be held this evening is still to be determined. We will update ASAP.

Don't forget, this event is tomorrow evening at Luray High School. We hope to see you there.

This is a reminder that school will resume tomorrow, Tuesday, April 19, 2022. Thank you, and please share.

This is a reminder that the school board meeting originally scheduled for Thursday, April 14th, will be held this evening, Monday, April 18, 2022.
Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public
Comments: https://forms.gle/7p7ue4NQ43vV9p786
View LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live
Thank you, and please share.

This is a reminder that there is No School for students, Tomorrow, Friday, April 15th, or Monday, April 18th.
Monday, April 18, 2022, will be a regularly scheduled professional development day for staff. Thank you, and enjoy.
Photo Credits to the National Park Service (Wildflowers in Shenandoah National Park)

Important Message from Page County Public Schools:
Tonight's regularly scheduled School Board Meeting has been POSTPONED. The meeting will now occur on Monday, April, 18, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. at the Central Office Board Room. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you, and please share.

It's School Library Month, and we're celebrating.
I began my career as an elementary school classroom teacher. After 18 years in the classroom, I was able to achieve my lifelong dream of becoming a school librarian. I began my career in the library at Luray Elementary School. After 3 years at LES, I became the librarian at Luray Middle School when we opened in 2009. I absolutely love my job!
As a history buff, I love to read historical fiction and nonfiction. As a librarian, I believe that deep inside everyone has a love of reading -- we just need to find the genre and topic that sparks their interest. I love helping students discover what they enjoy reading!
Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my daughter (who is also a teacher) and her husband, my son (who just graduated from college with a teaching degree), and my 5 crazy yet adorable dogs. I also love to read (surprise!) and shop.

On April 11, 2022 PCPS art teachers gathered to show off art work from students across the division. It was a wonderful evening celebrating our artists!

This is a reminder that tonight, Thursday, April 14, 2022, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at the Central Office Board Room at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4 p.m. Thank you.
Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public
Comments: https://forms.gle/7p7ue4NQ43vV9p786
View LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live